Ke-O9-4a Koi T.O.R.I.

The Ke-O9-4a Koi T.O.R.I. device was created as part of the Ke-O9 T.O.R.I. in YE 32 to assist Star Army Intelligence to assist in security and surveillance.

The Koi model is designed to look like a Kami Carp. And is available in both male and female colorations. Its size and weight is typical of the living version.

Koi T.O.R.I.

Koi T.O.R.I. is typically used to observe and monitor waterways near an objective. The sense of smell is modified to work with water but is just as effective as its surface cousins.

Additional Sensors

Koi T.O.R.I. have unique sensors. To assist in navigating in murky water they are equipped with a passive sonar. They also have electroreceptors in a network of jelly-filled canals. These allow the Koi to sense electric fields in the water.