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Rikugun Reforms and Base Realignment YE 42

The Rikugun Reforms and Base Realignment YE 42 Plan (RRR42 or R42 for short) is an attempt to standardize, professionalize, and create a more unique organization within the Star Army of Yamatai. R42 was initiated by Taisho Mizumitsu Benji in YE 42.


Historically, legions since their creation in YE 32 have been loosely organized. This created a wide variety of legions the Star Army of Yamatai could make use of. But this somewhat changed in YE 42 when the R42 was implemented by Taisho Mizumitsu Benji upon assuming the role of Rikugun Chief of Staff. Two of the most immediate signs of the reforms are the repositioning of many legions from their historic home of Nataria and a more standardized table of organization and equipment for Rikugun units.


Below is the list of changes within the Star Army Rikugun:

Star Army Century

The following are changes to the Star Army Century:

Legion commanders, with the approval of the Commander of the Star Army, shall have the authority to modify their subordinate units to fulfill their mission needs.

OOC Notes

Demibear created this article on 2020/11/02 03:48.