Link Device (1):

This formidable weapon uses a wormhole to create a link between the core of a star and an opponents ship, although at times linking to a quasar is preferred (this takes longer due to the increased distance between the ship and the quasar, but does significantly more damage). The effect is that the sudden change in pressure causes a huge plume of solar plasma (or the energy output of a quasar) to encompass whatever poor ship was in the way. It is useful against single ships. The wormhole usually links to the centre of the star, pressure inside the sun vents plasma out at great pressure out of the wormhole.


Primary Purpose: Anti-capital ship. Secondary Purpose: Anti-city. Damage: Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship (star) or Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship (quasar). Range: Wormhole can be created up to 1 AU from the ship. Rate of Fire: 20 rpm (star) 5 rpm (quasar). Payload Effectively infinite as the power source lasts.