Standard Star Army Toilet
These are the Star Army of Yamatai facilities which provide soldiers a place for the elimination of bodily waste, and basic hygiene.
They are also commonly referred to as:
Toilet installations come in two variant; single occupant and communal.
A Star Army Toilets has the following components:
The basic
Ketsurui Fleet Yards commode uses a low-water-usage flush system. The commode is self flushing, it activates when the user moves away from it. They also feature a manual flush lever. The commode uses an
impeller system to breakup solid waste to avoid blockages, and to propel the contents of the commode down the drain line.
The advanced commode has all the features of the basic, but includes a
Bidet feature.
All KFY commodes that are factory-installed on starships are equipped with a small battery operated force field system that prevents their contents from escaping during loss of starship internal gravity. The battery lasts up to twelve hours, although the force field could be sustained indefinitely when ship power is still available.
Single Toilet
Normally consists of a Ketsurui Fleet Yards commode and a sink. These are commonly found in officer quarters, or in places where a single facility is sufficient.
Communal Toilet
To provide facilities for groups of soldiers, toilets can be set up with multiple commodes and sinks. The ratio in these installations is normally one sink for every two commodes. In a communal installation each commode is enclosed within walls that provide at least the appearance of privacy. They are typically not gender segregated.