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Trials of Adulthood

The Trials of Adulthood hold significant cultural importance within Senti society, serving as a rite of passage for young individuals transitioning into adulthood. Initiated at the age of sixteen, these trials are a series of ritualistic tests that assess various skills and aptitudes necessary for survival and contribution within the nomadic Senti culture.

The Trials are designed to be intensive, placing considerable stress and pressure on the youth undergoing them. This pressure is intentional, as it reflects the challenges and uncertainties that individuals may face in the harsh realities of deep space living. Through these trials, young Senti are not only tested on their physical abilities but also on their mental resilience, problem-solving skills, adaptability, and resourcefulness.

While the tests themselves are fairly simple in concept, their execution can vary greatly, depending on the specific circumstances and resources available to each Senti community. Some trials may involve tasks such as navigation challenges, survival simulations, proficiency in handling spacecraft or equipment, emergency response scenarios, and interpersonal communication exercises.

What sets the Trials of Adulthood apart is not only the content of the tests but also the cultural significance attached to them. They are seen as a way for young Senti to prove themselves worthy of being considered adults within their society, earning respect and recognition from their peers and elders. The trials also serve to reinforce communal bonds, as they are often proctored by family friends and members of other ships within the nomadic fleet.

Participating in the Trials of Adulthood is a transformative experience for anyone who wishes to undergo them, marking the tried's transition from adolescence to adulthood and shaping their identity within the larger context of Senti culture. It instills a sense of pride, accomplishment, and belonging, preparing them to navigate the challenges and responsibilities that come with life in deep space.


The Trials of Adulthood have deep roots in Senti culture, extending far back into their pre-history and forming an integral part of their societal evolution. While the exact origins of the Trials may be shrouded in the mists of time, they are believed to have emerged from the pragmatic necessity of survival in the harsh and unforgiving environment of deep space.

In the early days of Senti civilization, when their ancestors first ventured out into the vastness of the cosmos aboard their nomadic ships, the challenges of living in space were immense. Resources were scarce, dangers lurked around every corner, and the ability to adapt and thrive in such an environment was paramount.

As Senti society evolved and matured, the need arose to formalize the transition from adolescence to adulthood, marking the passage of individuals into roles of greater responsibility within their communities. Thus, the Trials of Adulthood were born.

Originally, these trials may have been more rudimentary, reflecting the practical skills and knowledge needed for survival in deep space. Over time, however, they evolved into a complex and multifaceted series of tests, encompassing not only physical prowess but also mental resilience, emotional maturity, and social cohesion.

The Trials became deeply ingrained in Senti culture, passed down from generation to generation as a sacred tradition. They were seen as a way for young individuals to prove themselves worthy of adulthood, earning the respect and recognition of their peers and elders.

As Senti society expanded and diversified, so too did the Trials of Adulthood. Different communities developed their own variations of the trials, tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. However, the underlying principles remained the same – to assess the skills and aptitudes necessary for survival and contribution within Senti society.


The specific tasks of the Trials can vary, but generally have a few commonalities. These include, but are not limited to the following:

Overall, the Trials of Adulthood are designed not only to assess the practical skills and knowledge of young individuals but also to identify their innate talents, strengths, and areas for further development. By successfully completing these trials, candidates demonstrate their readiness to take on greater responsibilities within their society and contribute to the collective survival and prosperity of their nomadic community in the depths of space.


If a youth fails their Trials of Adulthood among the Senti, it is viewed as an opportunity for growth rather than a permanent setback. Upon failing the trials, the individual is not cast out or ostracized from their community; instead, they are provided with additional support and guidance to help them develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their next attempt.

Typically, when a youth fails their Trials, they are assigned to another ship within the Senti fleet where they can receive specialized training in the area or areas where they struggled. This could involve apprenticing under skilled mentors, attending specialized classes or workshops, or undertaking practical training assignments to gain hands-on experience.

During their time on the new ship, the youth will receive personalized attention and guidance to help them overcome their weaknesses and improve their proficiency in the failed skills. Mentors and instructors will work closely with them to identify areas for improvement, provide targeted instruction, and offer encouragement and support along the way.

Once the youth has undergone sufficient training and demonstrated competency in the necessary skills, they will be eligible to retake their Trials of Adulthood on their next birthday. This provides them with an opportunity for redemption and a chance to prove their readiness to transition into adulthood within Senti society.

By fostering a culture of learning, growth, and support, the Senti ensure that even those who initially struggle to pass their Trials are given the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. This approach not only helps individuals overcome their challenges but also strengthens the collective resilience and cohesion of the Senti community as a whole.

OOC Notes

Madi Harper created this article on 2024/04/10 21:17.

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