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Lorrfolk, often referred to as “demons” are a tall, husky species that live mostly around Yamatai's Mount Death (a volcano).


For ages, the Lorrfolk have been digging underground tunnels deep into the depths of the rock, where they spend most of their time.


Male lorrfolk are generally around 8 feet in height, with shorter, more attractive (and more human-looking) winged female counterparts. Their brown, black, gray, or red skin is splotched with giant freckles and usually with burn marks and scarring. Lorrfolk usually have a protruding jaw with large teeth poking out. The males also have a set of two curved horns on their head. Some females have a single horn as well.


Lorrfolk are heavy eaters of meat and fungus including mushrooms.


Describe the climate of habitable areas for the species. Elaborate on the the nature of the architecture, living practices, and, settlements of the species.

Life Cycle

Give a quantitative value to the average natural lifespan and civilized lifespan for the species. Enumerate and describe the aging landmarks for the average individual of the species.


Lorrfolk have a lot of strange traditions, including their annual hunt for a humanoid female to copulate with (a practice which has caused some strife in the past). In Lorr society, the males have a great deal of freedom, but the females are expected to stay home and make babies.


The Lorrs' defensive forces were destroyed during the Elysian invasion of their homeland some years ago, and have never been rebuilt. The Star Army now defends their land.




The Lorr speak Latin.




Lorrfolk have the same voting privileges as other Star Army citizens, but rarely use them. Instead, they vote through a guild leader, who votes in the place of all of the guild's Lorr.


Lorrfolk are skilled stone and metalworkers. The main export besides building materials and silicon is ale.





OOC Notes

Ametheliana created this article on 2023/11/03 23:18 based on this original article from a 2006 backup of the site.

Art generated by Yuuki with DALL-E 3.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

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