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Designated Designer Duplicates

A designer race, Who's creators have long disappeared, They have moved into their civilization their home world of Vermanden now simply called Domhain in the Realta Rince system, D3 as a Designer Race look identical to each other physically and generally stand four feet tall, Though depending on individual Adaptations this could be different to some extent, They are a non-affiliated with any nation.




The D3 are a Designer Race, Their creator race is unknown except to the D3, who keep them and their technology as secret and hidden out of respect for their creators, The Species Themselves was created to be used as Servants, Workers, Companions, Guards, Pets, Mascots, Anything and everything they were made to fill in that role eventually.

The disappearance of their Creator Race hasn't seemed to cause the collapse of their civilization as the D3 seem to have fully adapted to tending to and running the infrastructure of their civilization, likely due to the fact that they were the ones eventually taking care of all of it before their creators vanished.

The Technology they use is mostly now made and used by the D3 themselves, their creator races tech having been stored away for the time being, hidden and secreted away almost like in reverence kept in working order and ready at a moments notice for their creators to return, and it seems Every D3 believes their creators will return. As such they hold no other National Affiliations.


The Physiology of the D3 is Malleable thanks to the fact that their entire body and in fact their being is created and maintained by Bionanites, this gives them a great deal of adaptability Allowing them to alter their bodies in response to environmental or social stimuli allowing them to fill in any niche needed. from gaining animal like qualities like Wool or plant like qualities, even increased strength and durability and even height and Mass can be gained in this manner, however once the need for such an adaptation is passed the D3 will return to it's normal Default state, some however maintain an adaptation for so long that this is their new Default state, though these are much more rare in D3 society

So what is the Normal Default state of a D3? And what are their variants?

Basic D3

The Basic of the race, considered to be the normal state of All D3 and base template where all D3 variants originated from, they stand four feet tall, with Brown hair and eyes, their eyes are large and friendly and their faces are passive, with rosy cheeks almost looking like a little blush is always on their face, they have the strength one would expect of a creature of their size, they are not especially dense or tough, nor are they over all extremely fast, though they do have incredible Stamina for something their size a trait all D3 seem to share, Able to work and survive at peak efficiency long after many other non-augmented races would tire. D3 also seem to have an odd affect on many wild animals which prevents the animal from seeing the D3 as a threat or as a meal allowing them to use many creatures as livestock. A final notable thing about the Basic D3 however is their ability to survive in the vacuum of space without any form of space suit, Unless noticed otherwise All other Variants have all the capabilities of a Basic D3.

D3 Delux

A larger variant of D3, these D3 are twice the size and mass of their Basic D3 counterparts, with this increased size comes all the benefits, increased strength, durability, and stride, with the obvious drawbacks of them being larger like weight, food requirements, size requirements and the like. The extra size also seems to make the Large D3 more protective of any smaller beings that it is working with, likely an adaptation for defense due to it's more resilient body. however this Protectiveness is in the defensive manner rather then the offensive.

D3 Double Delux

An even larger Variant of the D3, These D3 are twice the Size and mass of their Delux counterparts, with this additional increase in size comes with all the benefits of Strength, Durability, and Stride, and once again the weight, food requirements, and size requirements are the drawbacks, This size is rarely every seen as they rarely need this size Variant at all, however they are sometimes used for Space construction and loading in Zero G environments where their additional weight is less of an issue. Also used in Defensive measures with the use of equipment.

D3 Diminutive

A Smaller Variant of D3, These D3 are half the size and mass of their basic D3 counterparts, this comes with all the drawbacks of the reduction in size, however this also allows for easier access to smaller places and better fine detail work, This adaptation also makes the D3 much more cautious and some would say it makes them more shy around non-D3's as they will quickly scurry out of sight from such people.

D3 Diminutive Extra

An even smaller Variant of the D3, Half the size and mass of the Diminutive, the draw backs are once again made, however the increase in finer detail work or even regeneration in even smaller containers allowing for it when lack of space is a concern. Likely an Adaptation for such situations where D3's are needed but there is little room for all to reform in normal sizes.

Plant D3

A Variant that has taken on some adaptations to make it more plant like, this Variant can be anything from pest control, such as a Venus fly trap like to keep Pests away, to a produce plant to make food like a tomato bush or even textiles like a cotton plant, or medicinal uses like herbs, The Plant D3 Variants tend to have Green eyes, and their hair is replaced with Vines or leaves while their skin color gains a greenish tinge, they will often grow additional plant limbs to allow for production of the needed features, but the most common is a little plant growing out the top of their head with a form of indicator as to what type of plant they are, unless Other wise needed they still remain the same size as a Basic D3.

Beast D3

A Variant that has taken on some adaptations to make it more animal or beast like, This variant is usually used for social or sometimes for Resource reasons, Sheep like D3 produce very soft Wool, Angora bunny D3 produce angora wool, things of that nature, but Cat D3 exist for companionship and even are able to emit a purr that can aid in natural healing though nowhere near as helpful as actual medical attention. Beast D3 also end up gaining some from of natural weaponry with their adaptation, claws, horns, sharp teeth, though the naturally passive mannerisms of the D3 means they rarely use these natural weapons unless ordered to or in defense of those they are to care for.

Insect D3

Variant's that take on Insect like qualities, often seen working with Plant D3 to ensure pollination of required plants, and for pest control, just like Beast and plant Variants this variant can vary wildly from individual to individual depending on the adaptation taken on at the time and what kind of insect it adapted. this can lead to them having natural weapons much like the Beast D3 however this also includes things like venoms, acids, and chemical weapons that such creatures they adapted are able to use. insect D3 tend to be more durable by the simple fact that all have carapace on their bodies and many can fly thanks to many adaptations of this kind having wings.

Tech D3

A Variant that has altered its body to be more able to interface with technology Usually with universal ports for Cybernetics or robotic additions, interface ready with its own immune system like antivirus suits and firewalls, Most notable is its Electoos, markings along its body that allows it to interface with computers through touch rather then an uplink or interface, this D3 Variant tends to be more dense then the normal D3 making it tougher as well though strength remains the same unless its augmented through cybernetic or Robotic augmentation.

Special Variants

There are some Special Variants of D3 that tend to lose all adaptability and instead focus on only one thing, these variants tend to be kept on the home world or used for specialized tasks for D3 kind rather then them going out into the wider galaxy.


A high Speed D3, Golden Skin, and silver eyes and hair, the skin is actually a special material made to reduce friction, this D3 is able to move rapidly, and process things faster to allow it to quickly navigate at high speed on foot. Able to out run most ground and hover vehicles on foot SpeeD3's are often used as couriers for important information, their faster mental processing and reaction speed makes it very hard to surprise or attack them, however they have no Aggressive tendencies at all except if something they were entrusted with delivering is taken. then they have a physical imperative to get it back.


A high durability Defensive D3, Silver Skin and Golden Hair and eyes, The skin is actually a Super Dense Alloy, constantly being maintained by the bionanites to allow for flexibility, giving this D3 exceptional durability bordering on Nigh invincible, however they are exceptional slow movers making them useful mostly for only defense rather then offense, many Larger D3 ships have at least a team of these to act as anti-boarding/anti pirate response, usually guarding the most important parts of the ship or city they are stationed in.

Scans of a InD3Structible have actually shown them to have a similar DNA base to a Senti, likely an adaptation the race acquired at some point and due to their nature adapted it to what it is now, however the DNA is Clearly a more basic form of the Senti DNA set, meaning it likely was acquired a very long time ago, this adaptation means the InD3structible is quite capable of having the offspring of a Senti and in fact would due to the quirk of their reproduction likely give birth to a Senti with Pure DNA from before their changes that they have today. This is of course Theoretical.

But this explains the base of their Durability which seems to be further increased and specialized by the D3's Natural Biological tendencies towards optimization and adaptations, though it came with its own drawbacks.


A Designated Designer Duplicates Defenders or D4 is a D3 that has undergone a full adaptation to a more combative and protective sub species, only 1 in 10 D3 Become D4's however every D3 ship has D4's in its crew complement, D4's are the same size as D3's however they differ in that they have a single Large eye, and unlike a D3 they are very expressive. they are also possessed of a natural energy weapon in their large eye able to collect bioelectric energy and ambient light energy and fire it off in a directed beam or plasma whip like attack. For these adaptations D4s have lost the over all Adaptability of a D3, however they are stronger, faster, and tougher then a normal D3, and are more ready to fight to defend their more passive main species. Likely some event happened to cause this adaptation to come about as while 1 in 10 D3 become D4's there are not Enough D4's over all to indicate that they were a default variant… hinting at their more recent creation.

D4's also have a much shorter Reconstitution time, a D4S which is a cloud of Bionanites that used to be a D4, will find a nearby container and reform in seconds to continue its duty! making them tireless defenders and protectors, however after the emergency is over they will return to a D4S state for several days to properly recuperate, this often takes as many days as the amount of times they were reduced to D4S state in the emergency.

D4 Deluxe

A Variant of D4 that like the D3 Delux is twice the Size and weight of the basic D4, however it is much stronger and tougher then a D3 Deluxe, and has noticeable muscle growth on it, the size of the Variant also increases the power of its Primary Natural weapon, increases in intensity, range, and over all output, with both the concentrated Directed Beam, or a larger more powerful Plasma Whip.

The increase in size also makes them much more protective of the smaller D3 Variants, and even of D4 Variants, and will often have them watching anything that might be a threat carefully, and with greater scrutiny then a normal D4, however they are not likely to act aggressive unless the threat is confirmed. Due to the fast Reconstitution time of a D4 they are able to, if required, reconstitute into a D4 Deluxe, doing so however increases the recovery time once the threat has passed unless they were already a D4 Deluxe to begin with.

D4 Diminutive

This Variant of D4 is much like the D3 Variant of the same name, Smaller then the Basic Subspecies, they are however oddly faster, their primary natural weapon is weaker however it also can fire faster, they are more aggressive then the Basic D4, and will likely confront anything they deem a threat to any D3 in the area, first with cautionary warnings sometimes boarding on threats, this usually leads to a D3 carrying them off, which they will allow, however if left to their own devices they will likely leave D4 Diminutive's near what they consider a threat to keep several eyes on them and to act the moment they prove themselves a proper threat.

A basic D4 can actually Reconstitute into a D4 Diminutive when they have been forced to turn into a D4S, reasons could be lack of properly sized containers to hold a basic D4, or to take advantage of different avenues of attacks, however if these tactics don't work they will likely reconstitute back to normal. D4 that are naturally of this size will continue to pressure and attack a threat with little to no heed to their own losses as their Recovery speed is actually Faster then a basic D4, even after the emergency is over they only take half the time to rest in their recovery state.


D3 and all variants and subspecies look female, and while they can reproduce with any species a coupling like this would result in a pure born of the other species rather then another D3, D3 Reproduce more D3 through Bionanite reproduction. Where in a D3 or D3 variant or subspecies will create more and more Bionanites until enough is made to make a new D3, these bionanites then detach in a D3S and find an empty container to reform into a new D3. all variants and subspecies only produce the basic D3 type when doing so, changing into a D4 or permanently into a variant may be done later by the new D3 but at first it will stay a normal D3.

Reproduction isn't done in this manner only as a means of increasing population, a lone D3 on a ship of non-D3 if asked to do many tasks by many people may opt to make a new D3 to help it do the tasks entrusted to it, and so a ship with one D3 that uses them for many tasks may soon find themselves with a brand new D3… or more… helping out around the place.

There will be several tell tale signs of a D3 getting ready to use bionanite Reproduction, they will begin looking for an empty container to keep in their designated sleeping area, they will begin to eat more food to help increase bionanite production, and they will start to make books of notes, something a normal D3 doesn't need since it already learned everything it needs to do the work.. a New D3 however would need such learning material.

Creation of the New D3 takes only a few days once the D3S has detached from the original D3, Variant, or sub species.

A D4 however will likely make D3S's if it is the only D3 Variant on a ship or area, as without a D3 around they feel very lonely and will quickly correct this.

General Skills & Knowledge

Upon forming a a new D3 actually has a set of skills and knowledge of a basic level for many different tasks and jobs, likely due to be a race designed to be used for many tasks by their makers, this includes the sciences, engineering, self defense, weapons and machinery maintenance, navigation, Basic survival, tech use, and many other skills that allow the newly formed D3 to easily join the workforce immediately once formed. Weather that workforce be for construction, or assisting an artist with their work D3 have a basic rudimentary knowledge and skills to make them at least competent aid, its only after prolonged exposure or some other requirement that a D3 will take on a specialty, unless there is no pressure to do so then individual quirks or interest may influence them to seek a particular specialty.

While they have a massive list of skills when first formed, they are rudimentary at best, only mostly only good enough to support a more trained individual in their work rather then doing the work themselves, however there are some skills where they do in fact start off with a bit more knowledge and those will be listed below. and one skill all D3 and their variants and Subspecies possess is an ability to rapidly learn when required,

Communications, Construction, Culinary, Demolitions, Domestic, Engineering, Fighting, Knowledge, Maintenance and Repair, Medical and Science, Physical, Starship Operations, Survival and Military, Technology Operation, and Vehicles


Due to their highly adaptable nature, D3 can live anywhere, from asteroids and planetoids, to near paradise garden worlds, some could even adapt to living in the atmosphere of gas giants! however D3 do prefer to live in moderate climate area's, with a gentle cold season and a reasonable warm season, Domhain is one such planet with most of the D3 population living in the Equitorial strip going from the planets north pole to its south where the climate is agreeable to the species, though they live elsewhere on their planet the greatest concentration of them live in this area.

The Architecture of the D3 is very simple, domed houses that are built into the ground rather then rising up above it, they tend to live in large groups with the surface left to look as natural as possible, only a few domed houses to be seen each one an entrance to an underground “Block” which can house many D3, being very communal many D3 don't have private quarters and so bed rooms tend to just be rooms filled with soft cushions and blankets for all the D3 to simply lay on and sleep where they like, with almost shelf like structures along the walls to allow more D3 to sleep in a single room, made as comfortable as possible of course, a D3 bedroom may sound like a disorderly place, but it is in fact very comfy warm and cozy.

The Simple Architecture could trick one into thinking they have no industry or even Space age tech if they did not see it, D3 do in fact have such things however they are placed underground with access doors built to hide them as to not obstruct the natural view of the world they are on, and while they have technology they do not utilize it in their every day life, preferring to do the hard work themselves then to have something automated, such as gardening, food production, textile work, crafting etc etc, though they will make use of automation where great numbers are required or time is limited.

Many D3 have hobbies that have to do with them working in some manner, this is ether gardening, cooking, sewing, Weaving, and many other such things, every D3 is capable of these skills, the individual D3 is the one that determines which will be their hobby, this ends up making an organic crafting base for basic goods and services in their communities and settlements.

Life Cycle

As a Designer Species, D3's lifespan has no natural end, However They do ensure they do not overpopulate an area as they have very good control over their own population growth thanks to their means of reproduction, D3 however do have physical Hallmarks of age, Though they are likely to be missed by many non-D3's one such mark is a very slight loss of pigment in the hair and eyes, once they pass 50 years in age, which repeats every 50 years there after till their eyes and hair have lost all pigment. otherwise they will remain as youthful looking as the day they where produced through bionanite reproduction.

All D3 also have a natural reaction to extreme lethal trauma where they will Disperse into a Cloud of Bionanites this can make others think that the D3 was disintegrated or that they simply poofed into a cloud of smoke. this Cloud is known as a D3spersal or D3S for short, the D3S will then flee the situation that caused the reaction and find an unoccupied container that a D3 could fit into and exit from and reform into a D3 inside that container this process takes several days but results in a fully healed D3, and if the outside conditions are Deemed unsafe the D3 will enter a state of suspended animation until outside conditions are deemed safe.

D3 Of course are fully aware of this and so many D3 ships and colonies have empty containers with a “D3S” logo on them to they know not to use them for anything and to keep them empty. Sometimes the process causes the D3 to adapt to the reason it was put into such a state and so they will leave the container with an adaptation to help it should the situation still be ongoing. Which brings us to the one and only Variant that is a larger departure to normal D3.

D3 will also begin to take on some physical aspects of a person they have decided to stay around, this could be the closest one could consider to partnership or a willingness to server that person. such changes could include hair and eye color, slight body alterations to look only a little more like them, adding scales to their body for instance, or other species traits the one they have decided to stay around may have, however they will still primarily look like a D3.


D3 Culture is Detailed in this Article here


The Technology base of the D3 is space fairing, they have everything from large cargo ships and some military ships for self defense, to Smaller ships to even single person craft (often called D3 Trouble Bubbles as they are technically Tugs able to tow larger ships despite their smaller size)

Though they tend to stay in their own space, they are not actually a faction in and of themselves, and constantly talk of simply waiting for the return of the Makers, they trade however, though D3 ship crew complements can be underestimated due to the size of the ship since D3 again have no Separate quarters more often then not, leading to many sleeping in a room that would normally house one maybe two of any other race especially since such rooms are built to house as many sleeping D3 and D4's As possible.

Most things like Hydroponics are replaced with Specialist D3's Plant D3's making plant based food for the crew, Insect D3's tending to them and making sure they are healthy. a D3 ship is almost like a Living ecosystem of D3 variants.

While they have the ability to print parts and the like if they wish, many parts are hand made with precision, most ships are built and supplied with handmade parts for that ship specifically, though they have parts printers on ship and even portable printers for emergency repairs, D3 tend to prefer to make parts through more hands on means and work them to precision fits with skill utilizing their specialists.

However they can rapidly manufacture things that do need to be made in bulk, they would just prefer to make it by hand when ever feasible

The D3 Trouble Bubble 1) is a FTL Capable Single person craft, the engine allowing it to pull or supply energy to a ship many times its own class size, as it was based on an emergency tug design, Giving it great power and Engine output. in an emergency they can also be used as fighter craft.

One of their Main defensive Systems on any ship is a Blink Jump Drive Sub-systems 2) which allows to to make micro jumps, to avoid weapons fire, however the larger the ship the longer it takes the drive to recover for another blink jump all ships are equipped with a Blink jump drive, the smallest ships the Trouble bubble able to make five consecutive jumps before the drive needs to recover.


Inter system D3 don't have an Active Currency, they tend to work on Barter when it comes to each other, Tasks or goods for tasks and goods, but as they came into contact with other races they learned a currency was needed, quickly one was established… the D3nomination. this physical coin is laced with Bionanites to prevent counter fitting as D3 are able to “talk” to their currency like they would talk with each other. This does mean having to convert to D3nomination from any other credit system when dealing with the D3 however but due to being the only means of attaining the D3nomination it converts fairly well.

People have taken to calling the currency D's or D3's, or Thirds.

However one will find that the D3 are fully fine with Trading wares and Tasks for wares and Tasks, but D3's seem to be the ones that hold the balance on such trades, though they are very fair, and will judge the value of each as fairly as possible and as if they were trading with another D3.

Character Creation Guide

Can be found on the Creating a Designated Designer Duplicate (D3) page

OOC Notes

Sosina created this article on 2024/03/08 09:59.

Approved by Wes here

1) , 2)
to be completed later