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The tairolen is an animal that was found mainly on Lor, but has spread throughout the Yugumo Cluster thanks to the first Lorath Exodus.


Tairolen most closely resemble a fox with somewhat elongated limbs and long, sharp claws. They have very thick fur to protect from the elements. The tairolen can grow up to a meter and a half in length, with their fluffy tails potentially making up nearly half of their length. They stand around 80 to 90cm at the shoulders and can weigh up to 20kg. The tairolen's fur is normally varying shades of browns, with white or black ear and tailtips being most common. Some tairolen living in arctic climates have been known to develop gray or white coats to aid in camouflage.


Tairolen are present in a wide variety of habitats, from the temperate to the arctic. Tairolen are opportunistic and thrive in anywhere they can find food and shelter. They are also widespread in suburban and urban areas, where they can take advantage of humanoid food supplies.


While tairolen can be friendly and pose little risk to people, they will usually keep to themselves unless something catches their interest. They live in medium-size families of two to three adults and anywhere between one and three children. Tairolen primarily communicate nonverbally in close social circles with their ears and tails, not unlike Tinacen. Calls and cries are more often used for longer distance communication or by kits. The tairolen prefers to live in and around trees, while young tairolen typically live in dens dug around tree roots until they are old enough to climb and cling to branches like their parents.


The tairolen is an ambush predator, typically dropping down onto it's prey from high above and attacking with its claws. They will still scavenge from other animals, however. The tairolen shows a preference for meat, though they will eat various insects, some plants, or just about anything they can get their claws on. Tairolen are known to hide away excess food for later consumption.


Tairolen are a hermaphroditic species. Breeding seasons vary depending on habitat, but they generally give birth at the end of the cold season to allow children time to grow protective fur. Kits require their mother's milk and nearly complete supervision for the first four to five weeks out of the womb, but begin to be weaned after the first month.

OOC Notes

Elissia created this article on 2022/06/04 13:35.

Approved by Wes on October 3, 2022.