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Random Nepleslian Military Characters

This page is a tool for randomly generating characters in the Star Military of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia.


This section creates a character in the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps.

Male Marine

Private Tim McCallum is a lanky Engineer. He is coffee-brown-skinned with hazel eyes and dark green hair. He has cyborg lower legs and feet and is carrying a General Services Assault Rifle Model 01.

Female Marine

Corporal Monique Trinh is a tough Cook. She is taun-skinned with dark eyes and gray hair. She has mind-enhancing cranial implants and is carrying an IPG Operator Assault Rifle Model 01.


This section is for creating characters in the Nepleslian Star Navy.

Male Results

FIXME 🚧 Currently not set up yet. 🚧

Female Results

FIXME 🚧 Currently not set up yet. 🚧

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2022/08/07 05:36.