Table of Contents

Dice Roller 🎲

This page randomly generates numbers on each page load. Refresh the page to get new rolls.


You rolled a 2 on the four-sided die. The possible results were 1-4.


On the standard six-sided die, you've just rolled a 2. The possible results were 1-6.


On the eight-sided die, you rolled a 1. The possible results were 1-8.


You rolled a 4 on the ten-sided die. Hopefully that's what you wanted.


The twenty-sided die is a staple of roleplaying games.

You rolled a 7.

Percentile (D100)

The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 99.

You rolled a(n) 52.

Coin Toss

The coin lands on heads.

Magic Ball

This attempts to give answers in the style of the popular magic 8-ball.

β€œIt is decidedly so.”

Yes or No


Stop Light

This randomly generates red, yellow, or green.

πŸ”΄ The light is red.

OOC Notes

Wes created this article on 2021/08/21 17:43.