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Shuran Academy

Shuran is a nursery to high-school based academy that resides in Tsubomi and was opened in YE 34, the school offers a variety of different types of clubs and programs for technical based training for students who are interested.


Shuran was built to help give students who've lost family a means to get an education while also getting the help and assistance they need to get through tough times. The school is seperated into four different campus's, each one specializing in one area of education. The school has various programs, from Pilot Training, Law Enforcement, to more complex programs such as Horticulture. It also has different types of clubs, some of which tie into the programs that the school offers.

Students reside in dormitories for this school, with the dormitories built within walking distance or near transportation areas.

The school is grades nursery to twelve, and is broken up into various divisions, Nursery, Elementary, Junior High, and High school. Nursery is for children age’s zero to six. Elementary is for six to twelve, Junior is for twelve to fifteen and high school is fifteen to eighteen.

The Academy doesn’t have all of its divisions located in one building, but instead the building's are seperated and arrayed around a vast central courtyard.

The school puts an emphasis on helping others, students are taught starting young to always help each other out, if a student has a problem in class then they get help from another classmate to solve that problem whether it is related to math, reading, science, or if it’s a problem on a playground such as being unable to do something.

Shuran has a student council that helps oversee the school but also to run it with limited assistance, the council is overseen by the schools administratiom but is currently not open, it isn't slated to be opened until YE 36.

The school doesn't forbid Neko Younglings from attending, thus it uses the Neko Gakuen (ねこ がくえん) Neko Academy System for those students, along with any other standards that Tsubomi requires.


The academy is broken up into different Divisions, with each one having its own seperate campus. Each division is located within a certain distance of a corresponding dormitory. All campus's are designed in such a way as to give students a beautiful enviroment to learn in, but also, small classroom sizes and a lot of access to facilities and help.

Each division has its own private playground and sports field for kids to use, while a main playground and sports field exists for all students to use.

Nursery Division

The Nursery Division is the area where kids ages zero to six go for their education, daycare, and needs. The nursery school itself is designed to appeal to young children, utilizing a variety of different colors and animals to grab attention or to present them with a comforting enviroment.

Elementary Division

The Elementary Division is the place where kids ages six to twelve and provides them an enviroment that appeals to their age group, the school - much like the nursery school - likewises uses certain types of colors and symbols that appeal to them to give them the kind of calm and stable learning enviroment.

Junior High Division

The Junior High Division is the division that kids ages twelve to fifteen attend once they've graduated from elementary school. Unlike the Elementary division, the building isn't designed with brigh colors or flashy symbols, but does utilize other means to present the students with the same type of enviroment they had when they were in the elementary division.

High School Division

The last division known as the High School Division, is for kids ages fifteen and up, this division provides those kids with a higher form of education, but also granst them more responsibilities.

Programs and Clubs

Shuran offers different types of programs and clubs for students to take part of, though Shuran 'does' require that a student join a club, it doesn't not require them to join a program. Clubs are fun-filled acitivites, while programs are more intended to give students experience in certain career fields.


The following are the listed clubs that the academy has, each campus has their own version of these clubs, but Shuran does not restrict students in the higher grades from leaving a club that they were part of in the lower grades (an example, an elementary kid who is part of the cheerleading club who graduates into junior high can still remain in the cheerleading club they were in in elementary school, as long as that club advisor allows it) However, once the students into high school they must leave that club and join either the one in Junior High or High School.

Students who stay with the club in their previous division upon graduating into a new division are expected to help out the club supervisior with teaching and guiding.

The school uses many of the sports found in Tsubomi as their clubs, with the exception of a few that Shuran doesn't have.


Programs are career oriented groups that gives students limited exposure to the working enviroment. Some programs are restricted in age, due to what is involved, while others might be open for kids as young as eight.


This is ONLY a preliminary image.
Actual full model layout might differ from above image
This map doesn't show any roads, or trails, and only shows the main lake, and school buildings.
This means buildings, such as the observatory, are not shown, as they are considered public buildings.
Orange - Nursery School Red - Elementary School Blue - Junior High
Yellow - High School Gray - School related buildings, such as administration
Unlisted buildings list.
Observatory Swimming Pool Playground 1 Playground 2 Student Store

The Academy is laid out in a large square with a mixture of forests, lakes, and a river that runs through the center of the academy. The academies perimeter is comprised of a large river that goes completely around the school and can be crossed over using several different bridges, no fences, which allows people to come onto the property as they see fit – only the playgrounds that the students play on along with the sports field have fences.

The Academy buildings themselves are arranged in a large semi-circle. The nursery school building is located on the campus’s east side. The Elementary building located to the west of the campus, with the junior high being north west and the high-school being north east. The other half of the semi-circle features a children's park. The places between the school buildings are taken up by forests and small manmade lakes to help form a 'border'.

Located in the center of the four large buildings is the courtyard, the courtyard has a fountain with benches that surround it, with two bridges that were built over a manmade river. Then, located around the courtyard is a small playground for kids to play on during recess or before and after school.

There is a second playground located behind the Elementary and Nursery buildings for the kids, with another playground meant more for sports and relaxation for junior high and high school students behind their buildings.

As mentioned earlier, the playgrounds have their own fences so kids don’t wander off during school hours.

Beyond the playgrounds is the sports field, then on the sports fields eastern side is an observatory for kids to watch the stars during night hours or when the school has special night classes. There is also a swimming pool on the field’s western side that is open to all students.

There are four entrances onto the main campus, located north, east, south and west. There are bike paths all over the campus along with jogging paths, with one of the academies most prominent feature is it’s river.

A large manmade river runs through the academy, the river runs its way through the sports field, paths its way under the walkway between the elementary and junior high buildings, then moves on through the central courtyard with a bridge that allows students and staff to go over it.

The river is six feet deep in some places, but was designed to be intentionally only three feet in places that get a lot of foot traffic. There are hand-rails and bars that prevent kids from jumping into the water but some areas don’t have these.

The academy has a large amount of property, which serves as great expansion for the school for later dates. Including additional buildings that are planned. However, located on this property, are many public buildings that are used not only by the school but also by the city as well. These buildings includ, but are not limited to, the schools observatory, student store, student restruant, and several playgrounds along with two swimming pools. Most of these buildings are located just on the edges of the campus, to allow easy access by students and non-students alike.


The school buildings for the Academy bare a close resemblance to pyramids in that they have sloped surfaces, but instead of four sides they merely have two. Typically the entrance to the school is a large lobby with the attendance room to the left of the entrance and a small student information center to the right, then there is a stairway that leads up to the above floors.

The ground floor is almost always used for teacher related items, such as the teachers lounge, storage rooms, and even a detention room. The floors above the first are typically for the grades.

Division Layout

Since each division has its own small campus attached to the main campus, they each have thier own layout. All school buildings were designed ahead of time to accommondate a large number of students, this means that there are empty classrooms that can be used as storage until a time comes that they can be used as actual classrooms. The Junior High and High School division buildings are an example, where one grade is present on two floors, where as the elementary building only has one grade per floor.


The nursery division's main campus is circular with the building itself being circular as well, the outside is surrounded with flower gardens and a large playground. The school building is single story, has two cafeterias, and four gyms.


The elementary divisions campus is rectangular with a four story tall building, the grades are divided two to a floor, with the first floor being administration and storage. Second floor is first to second, third is third to fourth, and fourth is fifth to sixth grade. The rooftop is flat, and has a large eight foot tall fence to protect students.

The campus grounds are littered with flower and rose gardens and smaller gardens for students to plant seeds for food and vegetable projects or class assignments. There is a playground to the schools left entrance, while a larger playground exists in the schools rear. A gym is located behind the school just a few feet from the west entrance, with the cafeteria located on the campus's east side.

There is also a sports field intended for use by the Elementary school.

Junior High

The Junior High campus has a three story tall building, with the first floor being administration and the second and third floor housing the grades. The second floor houses seventh to eigth and third houses eight to ninth.

Located around the Junior High is a small playground, with equipment designed more for Junior High kids to play on. There is also a sports field, for the kids to play sports on.

High School

The high school's general layout is practically the same as that of the Junior High, with the school building being three stories tall and the grades split between the second and third floor.


The school uses several different types of uniforms, all of which can be used by students in all divisions. Each division has its own color-scheme, which is one way to identify what division that student is from but also gives Tsubomi security the ability to deterine if that student is supposed to out at night or not. The Academy requires its students to wear their uniforms at all times, unless specifically said not to. Uniforms are mandatory, any student found going to school without it, or going to school wearing unapproved appareal in addition to their uniforms (such as hanging changes) is a punishable offense. Only additional apperal that is allowed along with the uniforms are bows, ribbons, and ties.

While the schools traditional colors are as followed:

The following are the six default uniforms used by the school, students 'can' if they so desire mix and match the collars.:

Along with the uniforms listed above, students are given name tags to wear, used in all divisions. The name tags have the students name and grade on it, and are changed out at the end of every school year. The tags are usually only worn when the student isn't wearing a uniform at school, but usually just the PE Uniform. This is because the students name is already embroidered onto their uniforms when they get fitted, or when they purchase a new uniform.

The name tags come in different styles, which students are given the option of chosing when they first enroll, they can buy other styles from the Shuran Student Store.

The uniforms also have the schools emblem on the front of the uniform on the left side, and the students division on the right side.

Student Life

Life at Shuran is designed to be free and without worries, to give students a peaceful enviroment. Students are allowed to go where they please, even during school hours but only on school property and only during break periods or when school is out. Students are given plenty of different activities to engage into when school is out, such as programs and clubs.

However, students are expected to respect the schools property and enviroment and are expected to keep both clean and tidy.

When students aren't in school, they are allowed to use the sports field, playground, swimming pool, observatory, or any of the schools various classrooms for extra-curricular activities or just fun. The only areas that are closed to students in these off-times, are teacher and faculty offices, with places such as the music and home economics rooms requiring permission from either the schools administration or the teachers, and students must be supervised in both.

Curfew time is dependant on student beheavior and follows what Tsubomi has established.

Student Store

Students also have access to a student store that is located between the Elementary and Junior High school buildings, it's designed to serve mainly the needs of Shuran students, though the school does have a lot of items that the Tsubomi School Store would have, such as school supplies. The Shuran Student Store also sells school related items for clubs and programs, but also school uniforms and replacements for those uniforms.

It also has a tailor, for students to either have their uniforms fixed in the event of damage. New students can either come here for fitting, or go to a Tsubomi School Store for those fittings.

Along with these, the store also sells bows, ribbons, and ties that students can wear with their uniforms to add an additional 'flare' to it. The store also sells undergarments in boy/girl side areas. However, the store lacks the more extravent things such as a food court and gaming center, to which students must to the Tsubomi School Store located just off of the campus's north entrance for that. Mainly, the Shuran store was set up merely as a place of convience.

It is also operated by the students (Junior High and above, with elementary students serving assistance roles) to teach them proper money handling and responsibility. An adult supervises this store.


The schools discipline policy affords the school the ability to punish students for misbehavior and for fighting, but the actual full policy itself won't go into full effect until YE 38. This is due to the first crop of students in YE 34 being either traumatized due to the Battle of Yamatai, or from losing family members in other battles.

Despite the lax in policy starting in YE 34, to end in YE 38, the school will still punishes students regardless depending on circomstances.


No matter how much supervision students get, there will always be fighting. Students who are involved in a fight with one another are punished by being made to clean the school alongside the custodial staff, however the student who didn't instigate the fight will not be punished, only the instigator will. If the student who caused the fight is in another division higher than the one who was being fought against, then that student is lectured and additional punishments may follow.


Students will misbehave for various reasons, could be mental, psychological, could be due to past events involving family such as abuse or could be due to bullying in school. In any case, students who misbehave are punished by having them write up essays on how they won't misbehave again. However, as is the case with the reason behind Tsubomi being created, not all students who misbehave are punished - depending on the circomstances behind the reasons, they might be counsuled and sent to anger management classes.


Shuran has two buildings that serve as dormitories for school children, the first is intended for kids in the nursery and elementary division while the second is for junior high and high school division. The dormitories are overseen by one or more Dorm Mothers, or adults who help ensure that the students are behaving, keeping their dorm's clean, and are going to bed at curfew and not trying to sneak out to cause mischief or programs.

The Dorm buildings have their own mini-infirmaries in case students hurt themselves, there are also playgrounds for kids to play on during non-school hours. There is a cafeteria as well that is open during the early morning and night hours for provide students with breakfast or dinner if they decide not to make it themselves. Elementary aged students can only cook with the supervision of either an adult, junior high, or high-school student present.

Nursery students don't live alone for plainly obvious reasons, nursery kids who don't have family or siblings to live, with together in large dormitory rooms either with their teacher or a number authorized child-care specialist who can oversee their every need.

Elementary students are assigned four to a room, with a caretaker who checks in on them every so foten. This caretaker can either be another student in the school, such as a Junior High or High Schooler, or a well-behaved grade-schooler or an adult who is a specialized child care giver. Junior High and High school students are only checked in on during the early morning hours and just before bed. High-school students are often tasked with assisting the 'Dorm Mothers' and Caretakers to ensure that the lower division students are alright.