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Shi'tee Kree'aa

Known also for being an entertainment provider within District 12, it is a prime location for bands, music groups, and even Idols due to the expansive location. During off hours, the place also doubles as a sports restaurant.

Type restaurant
Faction Kingdom of Neshaten
Oversight Food Protection Commitee
Established EE 002
Owner Hii'tashe Shi'tee
Assistant Manager Mina'ee Shi'tee
Servers 15
Cooks 5
Mangagers 5
Total Staff 25


Opened in ER 002, the Shi'tee Kree'aa is known for providing a wide variety of food due to its location within a school based city.

Shi'tee Kree'aa is owned by the Kree'aa Family, whom are part of the Sha'trun Trade Family.


Shi'tee Kree'aa is a very large restaurant located in the central part of District 12, six miles east of She'na Academies dormitories and two miles from the class housing sub-district. The restaurant is two stories tall and is located on a hill that overlooks the district, its top floor is designed to provide a panoramic view.

The restaurant serves seafood that is caught freshly by the nearby docks and transported to the restaurant every morning, this makes it one of the freshest locations within the city. While its seafood is great, it also has menu options for more common foods like burgers and Pizza along with the seafood versions of such.

Because it was built in Ne'ushae, it was themed to appeal to students and designed to primarily service them.

The following is a menu contains the restaurants specialists, it is by far not the whole menu!


Item Description
Seafood Pizza Pizza with cheese, pepperoni, fish and lobster entrails cooked to perfection
Extreme Pizza Pizza with all the helping, extra ingredients, also contains special spicy sauce
Seafood Burger A burger that uses seafood in place of beef for its patty, optional cheese, greenerie, and other items can be added.
Pit'ee Burger A burger that uses a slab of meat harvested from the Seu'krona, the meat gives a 'punch' to the burgers taste. A special spicy and sour sauce devired from the intestines of Tri'se only adds to teh flavor. Other ingredients can be added, although a cook would consider it an insult
Mi'nee Salad A Salad created out of the Hery'une, and topped off with the customers choice of dressing or other items such as fruits and vegetables.
Po'sae Shrimp A dish that contains over forty different varities of shrimp caught off the cities coast. A spicy dip is provided with the shrimp and the dish is large enough to feed ten people.
Vaene O've Shrimp A dish several to Po'sae but smaller, and yet more 'extreme', this dish contains twenty shrimp arrayed around three types of dipping sauce each one designed to rachet up the 'spiceness' of the food. A creamy ranch sauce is also added to the dish. The Shrimp is dipped in batter derived from the Gru'treco and Dryure Herbs and mixed together with the blood of the Seu'krona. It is the restruants most bought menu item


Along with regular drinks like soda, this menu contains the restruants speciality drinks. All alcoholic beverages alternate between real and synthetic alcohol depending whether it is a school night in the district or not. Alcohol can't be served to students under the age of 10.

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