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Inari Station

Inari Station is a botanical agriculture station orbiting the planet of Onigashima (Planet). Built-in YE 43 by the Department of Colonization and Yamatai Department Of Agriculture it stands as a beacon of agricultural innovation and economic prosperity for the Ushobrakflug System system. Originally established to support the growing population of Onigashima, the station's purpose shifted when the Dai Oni proved their self-sufficiency and mastery of crop cultivation. Inari Station now thrives as a bustling hub for advanced agriculture, employing cutting-edge technologies and vertical gardens to produce an abundance of high-quality foodstuffs exported to neighboring systems.

Inari Station over Onigashima


Constructed by the Department of Colonization to suit the early needs of Onigashima (Planet) Inari Station was initially established to address the growing population's need for sustenance on Onigashima. The Dai Oni, renowned for their self-sufficiency and expertise in cultivating crops. Their exceptional agricultural practices and resourcefulness rendered Onigashima remarkably self-sufficient, surpassing initial expectations.

Recognizing the surplus of food resources they had cultivated not only planetside but also on Inari station, the Dai Oni adapted the purpose of the station to capitalize on their agricultural success and export to neighboring planets and systems. With the station's state-of-the-art technologies, the Dai Oni transformed it into a thriving hub for food production and exportation. The station's vertical gardens, once intended primarily for internal consumption, now thrived as bountiful fields, producing an abundance of crops that exceeded the demands of Onigashima alone.

Inari Station became a vital link in the interstellar trade network that flows in and out of Ushobrakflug, fostering economic growth and diplomatic ties with neighboring planets and systems. Its advanced agricultural facilities, combined with the Dai Oni's commitment to quality and sustainability, positioned the station as a reliable supplier of premium foodstuffs. The Dai Oni, with their shrewd business acumen, established a reputation for Inari Station as a beacon of excellence in agricultural production, contributing significantly to the economic prosperity of not just Onigashima, but the entire Ushobrakflug Planetary System and Yamatai as a whole.


Inari Station is a fusion of advanced technology and natural beauty. Situated in orbit around Onigashima, the colossal space station stretches across the vast expanse of space, its exterior gleaming with sleek metallic panels and and a long vertical garden beneath the station. Towering vertical farms, reminiscent of terrestrial skyscrapers, dominate the interior of Inari Station, their levels adorned with a breathtaking variety of crops, from succulent fruits and vegetables to fragrant herbs and vibrant flowers.

The station's controlled environment is meticulously designed to mimic the optimal conditions for plant growth, with artificial lighting simulating the sun's rays taken straight from the nearby systems sun through sola-pannels on the exterior surface of the station, and state-of-the-art hydroponic and aeroponic systems ensuring efficient nutrient delivery.

Inari Station is arguably the most strategic resource in the Ushobrakflug system due to its logistical and economic impact in nearby systems. As such it often has one or more system defense ships of the Legion V stationed around it at all times and teams ready to rapidly board it at any time to quell disturbances beyond the station's security capabilities.


Accessing Inari Station is primarily achieved through shuttle travel. A well-established network of docking bays on the station for cargo and freighter ships also accommodates shuttles and smaller craft to shuttle passengers and supplies to and from the station. Regular shuttles and transport vessels provide a convenient means of transportation, ensuring a steady flow of personnel, resources, and trade goods to sustain the station's operations.

Once aboard Inari Station, visitors can traverse its expansive interior through a sophisticated system of interconnected walkways and transport tubes and moving pathways. Small, automated trams provide efficient transportation between different levels and sections of the station, allowing for easy exploration and movement throughout the vertical gardens. Additionally, numerous observation decks and viewing platforms offer breathtaking vistas of both Onigashima below and the vastness of space beyond.


As one steps into the expansive interior of Inari Station, a bustling hive of activity unfolds before their eyes. The station accommodates several cargo bays, serving as the central hub for loading and unloading ships, ensuring a smooth flow of goods and resources. Crew members, visitors, and station personnel converge in the public areas, which offer a range of amenities to sustain their needs and provide moments of relaxation and socialization such as restaurants and eateries, boasting a diverse culinary spread from the station's own harvested crops. Bars and lounges offer respite, allowing individuals to unwind and partake in refreshing beverages while enjoying panoramic views of the station's exterior over the planet and the celestial vistas beyond. While Lively clubs pulse with music and dancing enticing visiting crews and visitors, providing an energetic atmosphere for those seeking vibrant nightlife experiences while offering respite for the stations crew who do not wish to go down to the planet for time off.

While Inari Station thrives as a vibrant social hub, it also maintains a strong focus on security. Strategically placed security stations, staffed by diligent personnel, monitor and safeguard the station's operations and inhabitants, ensuring the well-being and safety of everyone within its walls. Certain areas, such as the hanging gardens are designated as off-limits accessible only to authorized individuals and the stations crew for maintenance and research purposes.

Inari Station dedicates space in restricted areas as well to cutting-edge laboratories, where scientists and researchers conduct experiments and tests on plants, pushing the boundaries of botanical knowledge and innovation. These labs serve as crucibles of discovery, fostering breakthroughs in agricultural practices and the development of new plant species tailored for specific purposes. Adjacent to the labs, massive distilleries hum with activity, transforming carefully selected crops into a rich assortment of alcoholic beverages, each with its own distinct flavor and character.

Finally, nestled deep within the heart of Inari Station lies a highly secure seed-vault, meticulously designed to preserve and safeguard the vast array of flora strains and variants collected from Yamatai space and beyond. This repository houses the genetic diversity of countless plant species, ensuring their long-term survival and serving as a valuable resource for cross-breeding and cultivation efforts.


Inari Station is not only a hub of agricultural innovation but also a vibrant community that supports the station's operations and maintenance. The station is staffed by a diverse mix of scientists, botanists, engineers, technicians, and support personnel who dedicate their expertise to ensure the success of the station's agricultural endeavors. The Dai Oni, known for their deep respect for nature and the cycles of life, form the core of Inari Station's workforce, imbuing their work with a sense of harmony and reverence for the ecosystem they have created.

The station also serves as a gathering place for researchers and scholars from various disciplines who come to study and exchange knowledge on advanced agricultural techniques. Inari Station's multicultural environment welcomes individuals from different corners of the Star Army Universe, fostering a spirit of collaboration and cultural exchange.

RP Opportunities

Inari Station offers a myriad of role-playing opportunities for characters within the Star Army. Characters can engage in scientific research and experimentation, visit the station to unwind or sample various foodstuffs and alcohols.

Exploration within Inari Station's vertical gardens presents an opportunity for characters to encounter exotic flora, discover unique plant species, and unravel the mysteries of advanced botanical manipulation. Interactions with the diverse population of Inari Station, from scientists to station personnel, provide a rich social landscape for character development and interpersonal storylines.

Local Rumors

There are Parasite-Type Mishhuvurthyar seen occasionally in shadowy parts of the gardens.

Nothing found


OOC Notes

Charmaylarg Dufrain created this article on 2023/06/27 14:18 using the namespace template.

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