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Echoes is the name for a synth/dance style music project that's employed by Kaidan Telecommunications to do the soundtracks for their games as well as ring tones, network adds and live shows produced by the company. The band is generally staffed by three Yamataian civilians, two women and one man.


Originally started as a two girl synth group named “Dreamers,” they played in several small venues, mainly mixing live in swing bars and dance clubs. They hit it big when a CEO for Kaidan Telecommunications saw one of their live performances and offered them a job, so long as they get a third member to off set the bands gender makeup.

It wasn't long before they gained their third member and signed a contract with the company to write music for the games under production along with other minor projects the company lined up for them.


The founding members of Echoes has not changed since the forming of the group, however they do collaborate with other artists and bands.

Kana Tsuyomi: The defacto leader of the group is an average sized Yamatain female with bright pink hair done in double tails, contrastingly sharp blue eyes and a rich soprano voice that blends well with a lot of the songs she performs. Of the three members Kana dresses the most normal, generally favoring a T-Shirt and skirt with stocking and shoes to what her band mates wear. She's also the primary replier in interviews and guest appearances. Kana plays lead vocals and primary keyboards.

Eden: The other founding member is the silent, dark haired Yamataian. Eden has short cropped pitch black hair and dark purple eyes, which noone generally sees due to her constantly wearing a raised lip cowboy hat that's angled to the point of nearly touching her nose. As stated, Eden never talks, verbally, she communicates with her band mates over heavily encrypted telepathic channels, allowing them to answer questions that are aimed at her. Of the three, she dresses the most elaborately, aside from her constantly changing hat, which is never the same for each song, even during live concerts, she generally wears dark clothes the border on the Gothic, though she never bothers to stick with a single gender in her wardrobe, sometimes she's seen dressed as an exquisite Dame, other times she's dressed as a Lord. She plays back-up vocals, secondary keyboards and the beat machine with foot pads.

Jiboshin: The only male in the group and also the most flagrantly gay male Eden and Kana seem to know. He was quickly recruited by the duo so they could secure a contract and since then has assisted the two in their endeavors ever since. He has long platinum blonde hair, sparkling sea blue eyes and a pension for “romantic” clothes, frilled blouses that hang half open, far too tight for fitting pants, and jewelry, lots, and lots of shiny, sparkly accessories. Despite his eccentricities, Jiboshin is a valued member of the band and the natural foil for the stern, emotionally solid Eden. He plays just about any non synth instrument, mainly lead/rhythm/bass guitars, violin and fiddles and various acoustics.

Temporary members and team ups

Echoes has had several collaborations with independent musicians as well as other bands. Their most well known secondary members are:

Ketsurui Yui: In a requested team up, the Taisho of the Imperial Navy was asked to join the group when they preformed an updated version of the Imperial National Anthem during one of their Live Event Concerts. She managed to surprise everyone, along with Echos with the fact she was an accomplished Operatic singer who had a rich Baritone voice, which was confusing for her being a woman. The song Yui sang, along with video feeds, and ring tones of her solo chorus are all for free download from Kaidan's website.

Aethersperm: Echoes first and only collaboration with this widely liked, and extremely edgy Super Heavy Death Speed Glam Hair Metal band was when they offered to do a joint concert where they'd play a clash mix version of “SUPER MEGA DEATH EAGLE F— YEAH!!” After the concert, Echoes quickly, and discretely left as fast as they could, citing differences in genre and style when they were asked why the cut the tour. Though rumors that Eden and/or Kana were approached by Rodney “Shitz” Smidts and offered… something, the rumors diverge and contradict each other every time they're used.

Releases and Albums

Echoes has released several singles, as well as a few albums, though mainly their work centers on the soundtracks and bonus material tracks for the games Kaiden works on. As of this writing they have released Five single albums, three game OST albums and one stand alone album.


* Kan Kan * Eden * Ode to Joy * Ghost Festival * Ghost Festival II


* Mishhu Invaders * Galaxy Adventure * Neko no Oden


* Echoes in the Night