Yami Nekoneko: Episode 1

Orie looked around her suddenly tiny world. it was brown and square and full of her brothers and sisters, they were all fighting and playing with each other, ignoring the hot sun and the lack of Mommy. Orie, as she had been called by the nice family that she lived with, looked around her box of a world. She stretched, and put her paws up on the edgo of the box, looking at a view that looked like outside the window. She probably was outside the window. Curious, Orie moved over towards her siblings. “hey, guys, I'm gonna go outside!” “no way Orie, we're supposed ta stay here!” a brother scolded her, looking like he was about to tell. Orie didn't care. “I'm doing it!” the blue-green cat readied herself, and jumped on top of her brother, vaulting herself outside and into the world. she snickered as her bother whined, and landed gracefully on the sidewalk, looking about to see this new, fancy world from up close.

The pink cat walked along the sidewalk quietly laughing to herself and her fated escape from her master's house. “Nobody's going to tell me what to do! Nope! Not at all!” she cheered with pride. But now it was getting cold outside, and the clouds were starting to gather around and make a few noises. “Uh, yeah…no one can…tell me what to do!” she feebly tried to reassure herself. A sudden crackle of thunder and lightning scared the little kitty, and she ran around the corner, only to hit headfirst into a box. “Bah! What doo-doo head put this here?! Oooof!” Another kitteh came out of nowheres and landed on top of poor Yoshi! This other kitty looked around and everything like she was the queen of the world. 'Who does she think she is?!' Yoshi thought to herself. Her flower was knocked to the floor. “Hey, you up there! Your not standing on no sidewalks you knows!” When the other cat noticed her, the clouds suddenly cleared up and vanished…like magics! 'Ooooo! Who's this one?' she thought to herself.

“Huh?” Orie looked around until she spotted a slightly smaller pink kitten lying on the ground very close to the box, whose tail was under one of Orie's feet. “Well, I'm sorry, you shouldn't lay down where people are jumping. it's dangerous, mhmmm.” the blue-green cat said. she moved her paw and looked over this new cat. “What's your name? I'm Orie!”

“Hmph! No one can tell me what to do!” She then grumbled herself a little before going on. “Well, I'm Yoshi. Thanks for making all the bad clouds go away. As soon as you shows up, they all runs away!” She replied. Yoshi reached down with a paw and grabbed her flower, delicately placing it back on top of her head. “I'm new out here, and am lookings at all the things out here! Where are you going to go?” she asked.

“I am going to explore. It's more fun than living in there.” Orie said, indicating the box. She perked up, hearing some loud noise a ways away, and moved closer back to the box. “Uhh.. Could you come with me? I dun wanna be alone, it can get scary out here sometimes. I saws out the window mhmm.”

“Windows? My old master says I can't go near the window, I don't like it when some one tells me I can't do somethings, so I goes to the window and hops out!” Yoshi proudly puffed. “I'm weal bwave! I'll goes with you!”

“You can go by the windows. They fun! I always look out the window and now I'm on the other side mhmm.” Orie said, trotting in place as she spoke. “Uhh. which way do we go? I dunno anything but my house and this street.” the blue green kitten said, looking off down farther than even the window had showed her. It was so big! there were those big moving things, and even some people too!

Yoshi heard a loud noise coming from the nearby ally, all dark and dank and scary likes. She didn't want to not go there and look silly after saying she was bwave, because she was bwave, she was! “Lets go into dat dark alley ways” Yoshi shouted.

Orie hid behind Yoshi at the loud noise. “You sure? Loud noises are bad! They hurt things, like my paw!” Orie held back trembles, and picked up a paw, remembering the loud noise that knocked over a chair that landed on her paw. “If I get Hurt I blames you!”

“Nyah! No ones can tell me what I can't do! We're going in!” Yoshi's fear boiled away when Orie says they can't goes in, so now Yoshi is going in! “C'mon! I smell some fish too!” she sniffed.

“You better be sure. But fish is good. I don't get much fish. Orie followed Yoshi into the alleyway, and looked slightly afraid as they went farther and farther into the darkness. but as they went and there weren't loud noises, the smell of fish got stronger, and Orie's fear started going away. “It really smells like fish here, Mhmmm.”

“Yay fishies! I smell fishies!” Yoshi cheered. She sniffed again. “It's coming from that big metal can thingies there!” Yoshi pointed to the dirty, grimy looking trashcan that loomed over the two. “Fish, fish, fish!” she called out thrice.

Muko was digging deep into a trashcan, his brown tail jutting out above the edges of the green can. “Fresh fish… I hope that there is fresh fish in here!” He started digging faster throwing scraps out of the trash can and onto the street. “I know I smell something good in here.” Muko’s tail wagged in anticipation of his next meal. “There it is!” Muko uncovered a fish head It looks like the rest of the fish had been cut up to use for sushi. “This will have to do.” Muko picked up the fish head in his mouth and climbed out of the trash can, struggling to get over the edge before he plopped down on the ground not even noticing the other two cats at first. “Oh, hi there!” He said is speech was muffled by the large fish head he was carrying in his mouth.

“Hello!” Orie said, looking a bit surprised at the larger, very fluffy green cat. ” Where'd you find that fish at?“ the curious kitten asked, sniffing the air and confirming that the fish in Muko's mouth was the source of the scent. “My name's Orie! What's yours?”

“And my names is Yoshi! Where's more fishies?” she asked, sniffing at the larger cat. “Can I goes up there too?”

Muko started chewing on the fish and stared down at the two new cats for a few moments. They were a lot smaller than him, especially the pink one who looked really tiny. Muko dropped the fish, a large chunk of it missing. “My name is Muko!”, he blurted out while still chewing on his food. “You can go into the giant bin too if you can reach, there still might be fish in there.”

“How DO you get up there, mister Muko?” Orie asked, curiously looking at the large bin, and sniffing at it. she could still smell fish coming from it, but didn't know if that meant there was more, or that it just smelled like fish. It probably meant there was more, so she looked around for places where she could jump up. <cont>

The owner of the sushi shop heard a loud noise in his back alley, and saw cats congregating, looking at his trash bin. HE smiled, as two were kittens, and took out a saucer with milk and a couple more small fishes that were too old to sell. He gently placed them at the foot of his doorstep, then quietly closed his door.

“Oooh! look! a Nice man put out some food!” Orie said, joyfully, happily walking towards the saucer. The shop owner smiled as he watched one of the kittens meowing happily and walking over.

“Yay fishes! Nice man give fishes!” Yoshi cheered from the top of the trashcan. As the other two were talking, she had already gotten on top, and now tried to jump down. She landed on a plank of wood, which flipped and sent a goblet of gunk soaring high into the air. It landed on Yoshi, who shrieked, “Nyaaaaaahhhh! I'm all dirty! Wait, fish! Wait, dirty! Wait, fish! Noo! I wants fish! I'ma not washes up before eatings like masters says I has to anymore! I don't listen to nobody!” she shouted, quickly grabbing a fish for herself.

Muko rushed over to the saucer and the fish abandoning the fish head in favor of the fresher fish the owner put out. He delighted in the sight of the owner but mostly the food which he set down in front of all three of them. “Yay! More fish!” Muko quickly pushed past Orie and grabbed one of the small fish, gnawing away at it immediately.

Orie blinked as the other two cats suddenly rushed past her, and she meowed loudly, pushing her way through to grab the last little fish and claim it as her own, before taking a drink from the saucer. The milk tasted so good, that she couldn't help but mewl happily and purr, before going back to her fish. she was very happy for the nice man, and didn't know why Yoshi seemed to not like people very much. But, right now, it didn't matter! Orie had a fresh fish!

Yoshi ate her fill and shook off the filth, “Hey guys, what do we do now? All the fish and milk is gone.” Yoshi asked. The nice man was gone now, and all the food was gone. 'What are we to do now?' she thought.

Muko quickly finished his fish and moved back to his fish head. Being a big cat, he needs a lot more food than the little ones. 'That man isn't that nice to me… Maybe it's because they are little kittens.' Muko thought to himself. He picked up the fish head and moved it back over to the other two cats and started eating it there. 'Maybe if I hang out with them, restaurant workers will give us food.' Muko started thinking mischievously. He had a plan to get more food and it involved the two new cats. “So, you two like fish? I know a lot of places that have good fish.”

Orie quickly finished her fish, and felt very full and satisfied. “But i'm full, I don't need any more fish. Maybe we can go later?” she said, looking very pleased with herself. “I think we should go find a sunny spot and lay there where it's warm!” the blue green cat suggested. <Cont>

The cat-cher 3000 activated. It sensed that there were multiple cats gathering in a nearby area, and that trash cans were being disturbed. the net-wielding, cage-containing robot's glowy red eyes activated, and it began wheeling its way down the street, focused on doing its job.

“Bah, no one tells me what to do! Onwards to adventure!” Yoshi said. And before she knew it, adventure found them, her little tune changing fast. “Wha, what is that thingy? Muko! What is it?!” Yoshi pleaded.

Muko looked up and down the street to see the robot heading their way. “It's the cat catcher! Run! Don't let it catch you!” Muko picked up his fish head and ran off as fast as his chubby legs could carry him, which isn't very fast.

Another, larger cat was watching from afar upon the rooftops of the alley, noticing that the Cat-Cher 3000 had woken up once more to wreck havoc on unsuspecting strays. He'd been taking notice of Orie and her friends with a smile, but seeing as though the Cat-Cher would sweep them up easily, he knew he had to help them out. He jumped from one roof to the other in a single bound, and begun tailing the Cat-Cher 3000, with a grin. “Finally, some action around here,” He thought to himself as he looked for a point of entry to strike, “Time to tango again with that tin-can cat trap.”

“Meow!” Orie said, in fear, the big scary thing with glowy eyes was following them, and obviously Muko knew that it was bad already, so she looked at Yoshi and said “It's bad! It wants to take us and hurt us, Yoshi! let's go!”

“I knows I said I don't listens to anyone, but that thing is scary! Run away!” Yoshi yelled. She ran as fast as her little pink legs would carry her, just going past Muko 'I don't have to be fastah than teh catcher thingy, just Muko!' she thought. “Run faster Orie! Faster! I don't want it to do bad things to you!

Muko kept on running. He wasn't doing it very well though as Yoshi had already caught up to him and passed him. 'Oh no…' He thought to himself. 'I don't want to be caught!' He stumbled and dropped his fish on the ground. “No! My fish!” He wanted to pick it back up so badly but it had bounced and rolled it's way back down the ally. Muko had to keep moving so he did, regrettably leaving his meal behind.

He continued to tail the pursuit of the Cat-Cher from above, and kept an eye on the new additions. “Those kids don't even look like they're a year old,” He frowned to himself as he jumped back across the rooftops, “I have to intervene.” He jumped down behind the Cat-Cher, and let out a light roar, “Hey, Cat-Cher, let's tango some!” He stood his ground in the face of the Cat-Cher, and had an escape plan for this familiar alley.

  1. →| Five ([email protected]) has joined #lolcats

Iteito was unaware of the Cat-Cher's antics at the moment, and was sitting on the rooftop sunning herself happily. The sunlight was charging her internal batteries. It wasn't as good a charge as a nice chew on a power cable, but Iteito liked the sun. It was warm. She yawned gently, blinking to herself as she streatched out without a single care in the world

Orie ran away from the big scary thing, right past Muko. “Muko! Hurry up! You can't get caught, you gotta show us the other good places of food!” Orie was very concerned, because she knew that without Muko they probably couldn't eat. and besides, Muko seemed like a nice cat, she didn't want bad things happening to him. As Orie looked back, some very large cat seemed to have stopped The big scary cat catcher. “Hey Muko! Who's that?”

The Cat-Cher 3000 raised its net, and began aiming it sensors at The big, loud cat. It could not find any nametags, and so the cat was designated as a stray. Swiftly, the Cat-Cher swung its net at the scruffy brown cat, trying to capture it!

Muko was falling behind. His heavy panting was making his lack of stamina evident. Muko heard Orie yell at him, he was trying to run as fast as he could. Then Orie mentioned a big cat standing up against the cat catcher and Muko stopped running. He looked back to see the large brown cat taunting the Cat-Cher. “That's Ryuji!” Muko had met Ryuji before and was certainly relieved to see him here now.

“Oh wow! This day never ends!” Yoshi exclaimed. “Uh. Who exactly is Ryuji anyways?” She asked.

“That's my name, kittens, don't wear it out!” Ryuji called out as he anticipated the Cat-Cher to try his old tactics, jumped to his right side. He watched the net come crashing down next to him, “Too slow, robot!” He mocked the Cat-Cher's fruitless attempt, whilst anticipating to jump on its net as it pulled it up.

Iteito heard the commotion down below, and stretched, then she walked over to look down over the edge at the cats down below. “Hello!” She said cheerfully “It's a lovely sunny day isn't it?” her eyes drifted from cat to cat, then lit upon Ryuji and the Cat-Cher 3000 “That looks like a fun game!” She said. She pondered for a moment, then lept down from the roofs, her paws making small indents in the pavement as she landed “Can I play too?”

Orie stopped to watch Ryuji, and the sudden purple newcomer, whom jumped down very very far without any trouble. “Ryuji is so cool.” the kitten observed, watching as the Cat-Cher tried to get the brown stray.

The Cat-Cher 3000 realized it missed its target, and re-acquired it, pulling the net up to try and get it again, but suddenly, the cat moved upwards at the same time as the net. the Cat-Cher's programming did not include cats capable of this, so it stood still, waiting for its quarry to re-appear.

“Ryuji can handle this!” Muko was no longer so focused on running away now that Ryuji was here to save the day. Muko ran back down the ally. For a second it looked like he was going back to help Ryuji but it was evident that it was not the case when he picked up his fishy meal and ran away. “You can do it Ryuiji! We are counting on you!”

Yoshi looked at Muko, “If you say so.” She said. “Go Ryuji! Go Ryuji!” she cheered, much like those people she saw in the big black box back at home! “Score the touchdown!”

Ryuji was now up in the air, and landed on the Cat-Cher's top side, and attempted to keep his balance, “Here's the tricky part…” His paws were pushing random buttons on the Cat-Cher, and were directly underneath him. With any luck, he'd push the button to turn it off.

Iteito watched the others messing with the Cat-Cher. She walked to it's front side “My turn!” She said, sitting up in front of the net, clearly intending to attempt to replicate Ryuji's manuver… but there was a problem with that. Iteito, unpowered up, was not fast enough reflexively to succeed. Still, SHE didn't know that, and she was determined to try “Come and get me net person!” She taunted, while she waved her tail playfuly

The Cat-Cher, with a target in front of it, swiped its net down quickly, and, as soon as the net came down, the robot turned off, Ryuji having hit the correct button. The glowing red eyes turned off, and its little noises went away. Suddenly, the scary robot was not so scary. “Yaaay! Go Ryuji!” Orie cheered, very happy. Her fears gone, she made her way up to ryuji, so she could say hi and see just how cool the big, brown cat was!.

“Wow. What a day today is!” Yoshi exclaimed. “First, I sees the outside, and then I meets Orie.” She quickly licked her lips at the memory of fish. “And Muko got us fish; then came Ryuji! A meal and entertainment!” she excitedly squeaked.

Muko chewed on his fish as he walked over to the powered down Cat-Cher. He blurted out a muffled, “Well done!” at Ryuji while he sat down near the large metal contraption. He also noticed the new, strange purple kitty standing next to the Cat-Cher too. “Ryuji is the authority on taking down these monsters.” Muko said to the cat. “I haven't seen anyone do it better than him!”

“Ryuji, Ryuji!” Yoshi called out. “Can you teach me how to do that too? You were all like, 'Ha, you missed.' And it was like, 'I'm stupid!' and then it was 'Bwwweeeewww!' and went all quiet!” Yoshi cheerfully cheered.

“Thanks kitties,” He said as he jumped off, landing on his feet and smiling widely, “You must be new here in the neighbourhood. Let me introduce your around,” He pointed to Muko, “That's Muko, good friend of mine. He's got a heart as big as his stomach, don't ya?” He smiled at his direction, then motioned to Iteito, “I'm not quite sure who you are, but I've seen you 'round here” He then turned towards Orie and Yoshi, “Who might you two be?”

Iteito blinked at the net “Awww, I jumped too late” She struggled, a little to get out, then frowned. “Grrrr” She growled, purple lines starting to crosscross her furr. She growled then jumped, ripping through the net as she lept out. She landed gracefuly next to Ryuji, then blinked “I'm Iteito” she said. Her fur returned to normal, “An I'm hungry…” she looked around and her eyes lit upon .the Cat-cher “One moment” she walked over to it, then used a single claw to unscrew the nuts holding it's battery in place “Want any?” she asked before touching the terminals of the battery, starting to drain it to feed herself”And… your name is Ryuji? You've very fast… And you're Muko?” She asked, looking at the others

“That's my name, yeah,” Ryuji responded as he looked at Iteito's idea of a meal, blinking quizzically, “Last time I tried to eat one of those it shocked me, I'd rather settle for a big ol' fish, no offence.”

“I'm Orie!” Orie exclaimed, looking confused as iteito started doing strange things to the Cat-Cher, but she shook her head and instead looked at Ryuji, in all his giant, scruffy majesty. “I live down the street.. I think?” the kitten looked behind her, unable to see her home any longer. she trembled. 'oh no, I'm lost!“

When Orie said that, Yoshi looked around too, and started to cry. “Yoshi is lost too! Waaa!” she cried. As much as she didn't like old masters telling her what to do all the time, at least they gave her baths when she was dirty, and food when she was hungry. “What am I going to do now?”

Ryuji's eyes widened a little, “You two are now lost, huh?” He lamented somewhat, “Well, join the club, I'll look out for ya,” A wide smile came across his face as he walked towards a cozy pile of boxes that was away from the rain, out of sight of a Cat-Cher, and lined with newspaper to keep it warm, “That's what good cats do.”

Muko munched on his fish and stared at the two helpless kittens. “Don't cry you two. You have friends here now!” He felt pretty bad for them as he knew what it was like to be out on his own for the first time. He was so hungry… “I'll look out for you too!” Muko set his half-eaten fish head in front of the two kittens.

Today's Moral is! - Look out for your friends!


Yami NekoNeko