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Galaxy Rider Handsome

Galaxy Rider Handsome
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Trade Title: Galaxy Rider Handsome
Yamataian Title: Ginga Rider Tansei
Main Broadcaster: Ashiro TV
Main Studio: Shinka Studios
Main Audience: Ages 13+
Content Types: Tokusatsu, science fiction, action
Seasons: 1
Episodes: ongoing
Aired: Early YE 38 - Present

Galaxy Rider is a live-action (See Tokusatsu) show set in an undefined space station (much like Dawn Station in terms of visuals) about two riders that fight the forces of Sloth, an evil organization bent on draining people's willpower for subjugation. The two riders must learn to work with their differences and join forces to face this evil threat - but can they overcome themselves, first? The format is done in alternating Black and White episodes, each focusing mainly on one of the two riders, but always featuring the unfocused one in some capacity. The combat in the show is very lucha inspired and features some very impressive grappling. The show is produced by Shinka Studios and airs on one of the more common Yamatai TV networks.


Episode One - “Defending the right to pure creation, Galaxy Rider Handsome!”: Takeshi Godai is a fashion model and stylist in charge of his own agency, and Minori is his good friend (and employee) who answers phones for him. Through a wacky set of coincidences and a rogue agent of SLOTH, Takeshi ends up with a belt buckle device that he puts on without thinking much of it. As the sun sets, he sees people screaming and running from something. Takeshi runs in to find it's a pair of SLOTH bioweapons and soldiers setting up a strange device. His buckle starts glowing and turns into the Handsome Driver, which he activates, and then runs in from his convenient hiding place - at the same time as the silent Defer, who he first mistakes for an enemy but then realizes is trying to help. They both beat a Sloth monster back and take them both out with a combined GALAXY KICK. Takeshi tries to thank Defer, but they've already left.

Episode 2: White - The flipside of episode 1. Minori is a fujoshi and a slackish student, with a part-time job as his receptionist. But she's always trying to motivate him, while when we see her at home, she's got shelves lined with figurines, piles of clothes everywhere, and many, many unread books.

Episode 3: Black - Takeshi is pushed into fighting once more by the rigid Defer. Also, Minori chides Takeshi at work and he blows her off, and she shuts him down - setting up the first of many wonderings whether she is a robot.

Episode 4: White - Minori arrives at the scene of a battle to see Takeshi milling about, claiming “Apparently five weirdos in spandex beat me to it so I let them get on with it.” The episode's moral ends up being about not trying to do everything by oneself.


Takeshi Godai

Galaxy Rider Handsome
picture of character
General Information Physical Characteristics
Species: Human Height: 6'2“
Gender: Male Clothing: Stylish
Age: Vaguely early 20s Eyes: Brown
Role: Black Episode Protag Hair: Trendy
Special Attributes: Smooth, flowing combat style. Tagline: “I will do things. . . fabulously!”


Takeshi is always up on the latest styles, and has a different (perfect) outfit every episode and hairstyle every other episode. The belt is a glowing orb set in a neat web of seven bars.


Takeshi is very flamboyant and narcissistic in their demeanor. In other words, self-absorbed and a bit of a showy asshole. As a hero, he loses this luster in the beginning of the series, but as he grows in the role he grows more bold. As a civilian, he grows less showy as the show goes on, and becomes more grounded. For him, beauty is king, and everything can and deserves to be beautiful. He suffers from a certain ennui, especially when it comes to heroics, that leads him to be not very willling to fight “because it's too dull”.

Inspiration and Design

The costume is very much inspired by swans, and usually utilize a feather pattern in some way. Black is the central colour, with the suit liner and edging changing based on whatever form that Taekshi uses (A fire based form uses red, for example). It is very much an elegant and sleek affair, and makes his form look elongated whenever he strikes. Played by Jirou Harridan.

OOCly: Syu☆zo, Tamaki Suoh

Minori Ichimonji

Galaxy Rider Defer
picture of character
General Information Physical Characteristics
Species: Yamataian Height: 5'6”
Gender: Female Clothing: Very much not stylish
Age: Vaguely younger than Handsome but not much Eyes: Brown
Role: White Episode Protag Hair: Hime
Special Attributes: Grounded, powerful martial arts Tagline: “Evil will end here!”


Out of suit, Minori is not a very neat person. Her hair is long and and in an unkempt hime cut. Baggy sweaters, long, wrinkled skirts or cargo pants, most of her clothing is simply a mess. At work, however, she's very neat and well kept. In other words, she is a Switch Girl. Her belt is a bit like a metal doughnut, if the dougnut was a septagon with defined corners and edges joining them. The middle is a display for her current form.


Minori is a rotten girl, but desperately wants to appear normal to not only Takeshi, but the world at large. (“I-I have no idea what you mean” And faking shock-surprise at things). She's very genre savvy, and often gets excited at the appearance of tropes, both good and bad.

Inspiration and Design

Defer's suit is peacock themed, but with much harder edges and more solid lines than Handsome's. It gives off the impression of a grounded fighter. The suit is white-focuses with the liner and various edgings changing colour based on her powers at the time. Defer means to postpone, which is both in direct reference to Minori's civilian lifestyle, and a counter-reference to her actions as a hero. OOCly: Akibayellow,

Running Themes

OOC Notes

Episode XX: - Minori meets one of her sentai red idols and finds out he's a complete asshole.

`Aiesu So assuming she's a robot becomes a running joke.

`Aiesu We could even play up the idea of him thinking she has no feelings because he keeps calling her a robot.

`Aiesu So she gets angry.

`Aiesu And secretly, she's actually really hurt by it.

`Aiesu The story focuses around her problems in one episode, then his in the next

`Aiesu And goes back and forth by perspective.

`Aiesu And their ultimate form involves merging and polarity switching different attack types.

`Aiesu But to do that, they must fully know and accept one another for who they are.

`Aiesu A proposition both don't really like the idea of.

`Aiesu I can see there being an episode where she takes the mask off and at some point he's doing her makeup or something. Instead of a makeover montage, they're just sat talking about things.

`Aiesu I figure like they get trapped somewhere.

`Aiesu And they both think they're going to die.

`Aiesu So he insists "you should go out looking your best."

`Aiesu "…You carry something like that with you, even here…? People might say things, you know."

`Aiesu "Eh? What was that?"

`Aiesu "Nothing.."

`Aiesu We also have an obligitary episode where each has to pretend to be the other, even swapping devices and outfits.

`Aiesu His makeup skills and good looks… Her tying her hair back and trying to grizzle herself a bit.

`Aiesu Played up for laughs, but not offensively.

`Aiesu So each realises how hard it is to be the other.

`Aiesu I think that could be good.