
“Onyx” is an OI-M3-1A Gekido Mecha which belongs to Zeke Rykiel. It has been customized by being painted black with red highlights. Onyx is a dual seater Gekido and is in Stock configuration (Or modified as follows:).

Right Hand OI-M1-W3107 Hyper Rifle
Left Hand EMPTY
MAGS L OI-M3-W3303 75mm Pump-Action Gauss Cannon
MAGS R OI-M3-W3301 25mm Machine Pistol
Forearm R EMPTY
Forearm L Targa Shield with integrated retractable blade.
Back/Wing R OI-M5-W3401 LANCEwing
Back/Wing L OI-M5-W3401 LANCEwing
Shoulder mount L OI-M5-W3401 LANCErack
Shoulder mount R OI-M5-W3401 LANCErack
Thigh mount L EMPTY
Thigh mount R EMPTY
Calf mount L OI-Z3C Space Missiles x15 and launcher
Calf mount R OI-Z3C Space Missiles x15 and launcher

OOC Notes

Jack Pine created this article on 2018/09/04 15:48.