Nepleslian Greens

Let’s face it, Nepleslia is a rough place to live. Copious amounts of alcohol absolutely help people deal with the stress of every day life, but to those with a poor alcohol tolerance, or just chain smokers in general that are tired of rolling their own cigarettes, “Nepleslian Greens” are the new alternative to drinking and rolling your own cigarettes. Unlike most cigarette brands, “Nepleslian Greens” do not come in a “Light” or “Ultra Light” package. Light and Ultra Light cigarettes are considered by many Nepleslians to be for wusses. However, Nepleslian Greens are sold in a Menthol, Vanilla Menthol or “Rich” flavor.


Nepleslian Greens themselves are extremely long, 5 inches in length. However, they are about as thick as a regular cigarette. The paper containing the tobacco is colored a deep forest green, with a small golden logo of the Star Army of Nepleslia in the middle of it . The paper is quite glossy in appearance, and the whole cigarette is very pleasing to the eye. The filter itself is a black color, with a small gold foil band separating the filter from the cigarette.

Made from a paper that burns at the rate of most modern day cigarettes. The list of additives in it are numerous, but are all standardly addictive to the smoker. The cigarette’s flavor is extremely robust, often leaving the smoker with the taste of the cigarette in his/her mouth for several hours. The smoke is extremely strong, and has known to send certain people suffering from asthma into violent attacks. In fact, the whole cigarette itself is absolutely offensive. As one advertisement guarantees “Nepleslian Greens: To shut that pesky Yamataian up.”

Nepleslian Greens are packaged in a black box containing 30 cigarettes. The box itself is colored black with a shiny foil “Nepleslian Greens” on the front of it, with three golden bands going down the middle of the box. A recent promotion campaign to get more of these cigarettes onto the street is being set into motion, with two boxes sold for the price of one, and a special metallic cigarette holder that looks like the standard box, with a lighter built into the side of it. The latter is considered by many as something for the rich, and are generally frowned upon when pulled out.


A pack of Nepleslian Greens sell for 7 DA, while a carton sells for 50 DA. They can be bought from any convenience store in Nepleslia, and there are already campaigns to bring about vending machines to the streets.