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Spirit Axe

The Spirit Axe is a traditional weapon of the Valhallan Eradani Tribes.

History and Background

The Eradani Spirit Axe is a brutal weapon; consisting of a cleaver-like blade bolted onto a metal handle with strange runic writing etched into weapon out of radioactive material. The actual origins of this weapon are lost to time; but legends say that in their time of need; when their warriors faced a foe beyond their ability the spirits showed their ancestors the secrets to create these fearsome weapons. Imbuing the weapon with metal said to contain their power helped turn the tide against this unknown foe.

Whether or not this is true, the weapon's effectiveness cannot be understated, and neither can its lethality-whether the opponent dies to the blade, or the horrifying effects of radiation poisoning, it remains a potent weapon.

Nomenclature Information


The weapon is a long axe with a cleaver-like blade etched with symbols made out of radioactive material is usually secured with banding and bolts to keep the blade secured to the haft.

Wound Profile

Upon striking a target, the blade causes massive laceration and crushes bones making it brutally effective against armor and flesh alike, to say nothing of the of radioactive material entering the target's body.

OOC Notes

Commissar Farzi created this article on 2023/10/14 12:12.

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