Star Splitter

The Star Splitter is a kind of scalable ordinance designed and manufactured solely by the Tsumi, it may vary in size and destructive potential but the design of each version is almost identical when you exclude size:

Each Star Splitter is a rather destructive device for their size, consisting of a spherical fusion core that has been surrounded by a shell of interlocking Tsumium V-shaped razorblades that hold each other in place via friction, there is a circular dial housed on the top of the fusion core that has four settings – inert, impact, 3 seconds, 7 seconds, this arms the Star Splitter and sets the kind of fuse it will use.

Once the timer runs out the fusion core overloads itself with an explosion that generates enough force to propel the razor-sharp v’s with rather lethal intent, the smallest star Splitter capable of shredding through body armour and the largest one meant for dealing with ships.


OOC Notes

SirSkully created this article on 2018/10/06 04:14. Alex Hart approved it here.