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Obsidian is the name of an Or'ion task force whose mission is to protect Nesha VI. The fleet is comprised mainly of 'Navy' colored vessels, to give off the appearance that it's an actual volunteer navy fleet. The fleet itself mostly makes its base on El'ose, the third largest moon around Nesha VI

The fleet is broken up into smaller forces; each one has its own mission.

Fleet Composition and Description


Alpha Division

Alpha Division is the first division of Obsidian; they are the 'shadow' division in that they are comprised of all navy colored vessels. They patrol in and around El'ose, which houses Or'ions secret base. They also maintain the sensor and quarantine buoys that typically ward off curious vessels. However, Alpha Division is authorized to destroy any vessels that violate the quarantine line.

This division is comprised of the following ships:

Beta Division

Beta is the logistical division for Obsidian. They are mainly comprised of supply ships, such as freighter and transports along with shuttles, the actual numbers very constantly.

Omega Division

The main division of fleet, Omega is the operational division and is the largest division. They carry the largest composition of ships. Omega remains hidden on El'ose, docked inside Necropolis in order to stay hidden.