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Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor

Designed in ER 001, the Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor is a type of power plant found exclusively on large ships, space stations, and used as a source of power for ground based power plants.


The Lunabaren High Energy Reactor is a reactor that works in similiar function to the Lunebaren Reactors with the exception that it's larger and can utilize larger crystals. These larger crystals carry more energy that the reactor can collect and translate into usable power. They can average in size from forty meters on ships and stations, to one hundred and sixty meters on ground based power stations.

Like with the traditional reactor, this type of a reactor also has shock absorbers, nearly forty of them are placed within the reactor chamber itself which helps protect the crystal from sudden jarring or shaking.

One of the means of protecting the crystal is through of a light red fluid that encapsulates the crystal and helps dampen shocks.

These reactors use very large, and rare, Lunebaren Crystals.


Maintaining the reactor works in similiar function to the Lunebaren Reactors, except with some differences:

Lunabaren High Energy Reactors require constant maintenance and must be brought offline in order to replace shock absorbers and the fluid that is inside. The fluid must be drained before the crystal can either be replaced, or the shock to be repaired.

During maintenance the absorbent fluid is replaced entirely with new fluid, in case the current fluid was breaking down. Also during refit cycles, all shock absorbers are replaced.


Because the High Energy Reactor utilizes large crystals, it comes with some usage risks. The first risk is that the larger crystals used have a higher chance of breaking due to their fragility. This means that the crystals have to be monitored to ensure that there are no cracks on the surface, if a crack is found the entire crystal must be replaced.

This is not an issue for ground based power generators, due to the large number of safety measures put into place to ensure the crystals don't crack during daily seismic activity. However, on space stations or in largers ships those safety don't exist due either to the lack of space or because technology doesn't allow it. For this reason, there is typically more Engineers asigned to monitor one of these reactors when placed on ships or stations than when placed in power plants.


These reactors should ONLY be used on Stations, on Planets, and on very large ships (such as carriers) under no reason should they be on anything smaller without a darned good reason.