Table of Contents

Shukara Covert SMG

The Shukara Covert SMG was designed by the Shukara Volunteer Navy in EE004 (YE 40) as the first mid-range weapon in the military arsenal.

About the Covert SMG

The Covert SMG is a stealth weapon utilized primarily by Neshaten Division 5 - Operatives for its quiet and lethal abilities. Like the needler pistol this weapon fires piercing needles instead of bullets which can be dipped in different poisons or medicines for extra effects against targets. It's construction is lightweight and small to make for easier carrying and use.

The Covert SMG had originally been designed alongside the Sharp - Needler Pistol under the name of Needler SMG but was shelved when its practical application within the military was called into question, with a higher fire, smaller size and more mobility the pistol seemed to outclass it in every practical way. When Neshaten Division 5 was established however, Director Vaughn Li' Veero had the project restarted for his own purposes, several major modifications were made to the original design including switching from rail-gun to gas powered propulsion. Once the design was finished and the covert modifications had been completed production of prototype units was commenced with the first batches being equipped by Neshaten Division 5 - Operatives as a stealthy field weapon.

Nomenclature Information

General information including the designer and manufacturer as well as some basic information and a nomenclature tag.


The Covert SMG is a short bull-pup SMG with an extending stock which is typically retracted unless the user is aiming for longer range shots. The barrel is thinner than traditional firearms due to its unique ammunition type, the gun comes standard in black and grey with a painted logo of whichever department it was made for.

Discharge Information

General information about the discharge of the weapon including details of visible and audible actions and effective ranges.


Based on the original 3 mm AP Needle, the new 6mm variant builds on that with slightly more stopping power than its predecessor. These longer, thicker and heavier AP needles are designed for more intense combat situations.

Weapon Mechanisms

General descriptions about how the weapon functions and cycles.


General information about the pricing of ammo, attachments and replacement parts.

Replaceable Parts and Components

Optional Attachments


6mm Needle Price Quick-chart
Type Price (600 Round Box)
6mm AP 300RN

OOC Notes

club24 created this article on 2018/10/08 18:08.

Article approved by Wes here on 2018/10/09.

extending stock increases length by 20cm
lightweight construction