Neshaten Grooming Tool

The grooming tool is a standard implement for maintaining hygiene, and appearance.

About the Grooming Tool

Grooming tools come in a wide range of appearance, but functionally there are two styles of grooming tool. Both have the same specifications. The tool is a two sided tapered brush. The first side is wider but has soft bristles of only .5 inches in length. This is for brushing the parts of the body with shorter fur. The other side is narrower but has bristles of at least 1 inch and are a bit stronger. This side is for taking care of the parts of the body with long fur, such as the tail and head.


There are some models of the Grooming Tool that contain a lower powered ultrasonic projector. It has two power settings. On low the ultrasonics help to clean the fur of particulates while brushing. Useful for removing dust or other dry substances. On high power the ultrasonics are used to help the fur to dry faster. Brushing on the high setting helps push the water off the fur and skin.