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“If you're on duty or in a trench, don't consume any alcohol, or else you'll have to take a Fuo'trokanism, and a Fuo'trokanism is a lot less kind to you than a hangover” - Military Instructor giving a lecture on what the tablet can do.

Fuo'trokanism is a Neshaten drug made created to help combat the effects of alcohol in the blood of a person; the drug is meant to be used in emergencies and is only available to military and city-guard forces. It was made available in EE 001 (YE 34)


The drug known as Fuo'trokanism was created shortly after the asteroid incident on Levia, where a number of soldiers were discovered to have been intoxicated and thus increased the amount of response time to this emergency.

The tablet, round and with the letters 'FT' etched into them, has a very nasty and bitter taste to it and should be taken only if a person has consumed alcohol.

The drug is often considered a 'miracle' drug by soldiers and those in the city guard forces, but it is anything but, as the drug has some nasty side-effects and is something that no one wants to take but must take when an emergency pops up and the person was consuming alcohol before it.


The drug works by reacting to the ethanol and turning it into glucose along with caffeine, this in turn would give the soldier a boost in energy and also heighten their awareness, at the expense of some rather bad side-effects.

It takes several minutes for the drug to completely work its way through the body.

Side effects

As with any drug, there are side-effects, these side-effects intensify the more tablets a person takes although some of these effects were actually intentionally created so that a person get's a sort of a 'punishment' for drinking before a major mission or emergency. The side effects start to appear after two hours and can be ward off by consuming another tablet, however, this also intensifies the side-effects.

Side Effects of this pill include the following: