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Luna Power Generator

The Luna Power Generator is a Neshaten generator that helps power small items such as cars, or can provide backup power to ship systems for a brief period. It comes in three different sizes, small, medium, and large, with the large version used strictly aircraft or star fighters and shuttles while the smaller version is typically found as something used to power small appliances. The medium version is more common in vehicles.

The generator works by harnessing the energy given off by a Lunebaren crystal, a large portion of the generators interior is taken up shock absorbers to help keep the crystal stabilized. The two ends of the generator translate the collected energy into energy that a device can use.

Unlike a reactor, however, generators can't function for long periods of time without rest. This is because the generator lacks a coolant unit, though they have heat sinks to bleed off the generated heat, the heat sinks can't cool the generator forever. The actual amount of time that a generator can remain active depends entirely on what it is connected to.


The following is a list of information related to each individual generator, how long it lasts and type of crystal used inside. While the dimensions listed are default, it's not uncommon for some generators to be built specifically to fill a specific purpose, such as a fighter or vehicle, where the generators might be smaller or larger than their default dimensions specify.

Small Generators

Found to be used with small appliances, a small generator is roughly 18x10x11 inches. It can generate a modest amount of power and uses a small crystal. It can last for four hours without needing to be shut down, but after four hours the amount of heat buildup might engage the generators safety systems and shut it down to protect itself from damage. Naturally, in cooler environments, the generator can last almost twice as long if not longer.

Time Temp
4hrs 75f
8hrs 35f

Medium Generators

Medium generators are found in a lot of vehicles, such as cars, trucks, bikes, basically anything that is used to transport people but can also be found as backups for buildings.

The generator's actual dimensions are 39x10x11 inches. They generate a generous amount of power and use a medium sized crystal, but can be compiled with a smaller crystal if no mediums are available. The generator, thanks to built in heat sinks, can last up to eight hours of continuous use. Naturally, cooler environments, or additional heat sinks or some form of a cooling system can improve its usage time.

Time Temp
8hrs 80f
14hrs 30f

Large Generators

Large generators are found exclusively in shuttles, star-fighters, and small transports but are also used as the primary backup generators in buildings. These generators are large and are designed to be compelled together with other large generators to form larger units. Because of this, the actual online time can vary considerably from twelve hours to twenty four or even longer, depending on what is being powered or the tempreture of the area. Like with all generators, operational time can be extended with the usage of headsinks or cooling units.

Alone, these generators measure 50x10x10 inches.

Time Temp
Estimated 12hrs 90f
Estimated 24hrs 35f