Neshaten Standard Maintenance Conduits

The maintenance conduit is the primary means for a ship or stations Engineers to perform repairs on systems or components. The conduit is a large semi-tubular, semi-square tunnel that has grates on all sides to allow for easy movement along with handrails. The actual diameter of the tunnel is only large enough for a person to crawl or 'float' through, as these conduits are almost always in zero-g unless the ship or station is in an atmosphere.

Everything in the conduit is exposed with the exception of high-powered items such as power cables or important systems, which are isolated behind panels that are non-conductive or armored plating. There are many pipes that help transport power, fuel, coolant, or water, some pipes might even transport waste or some could be considered backups. Most systems are isolated behind non-conductive panels that are clearly marked.

All conduits have additional side-passages that lead off toward other systems; this is both as a security measure but also as a preventive measure in the event that system is damaged. All primary power feeds/cables/high-voltage lines are located away from the main maintenance conduit and can only be accessed via the side passages. The side passages are accessed by removing metal meshes that conceal them.

As is expected, some of these conduits can be quite loud due to the systems that operate in those areas, so ear protection is advised. Soldiers should 'never' perform any kind of maintenance in a conduit without their APB's on, as this will help protect them from potential harm, helmet wear is recommended but not required.


The walls/ceiling/floor are often grated with exposed pipes or wires, but also has some padding on them.