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Armored Body Suit (standard)

The Kingdom of Neshaten Armored Body Suit is a type of clothing worn by all soldiers, whether they are infantry or a regular crewmen on a ship or someone who is present on a regular star base or ground base. The suit is designed to provide light protection to a person from small arms fire.

The suit is one of those that survived the evacuation of their home world, not much of it was changed over the eight hundred years it’s been in use, with the exception of different stylizing that soldiers can pick depending on their likes or even dislikes.


Class: Body Suit Nomenclature: Ne-G1-A1 Designers: Loi'une Qyurens Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing Users of this product: Kingdom of Neshaten,Shukara Volunteer Navy Armor Rating: Tier 2, Medium Anti-Personnel


The standard edition body-suit has a light-black coating on the surface, it had trauma plates on the front that give the appearance of a bulging chest muscles. There are flexible Kevlar plates inserted along the legs, arms, backs, and around the neck.

The suit has a helmet that is angular and smooth, this helmet is black with a visor that can be polarized to help bloat out sunlight or to hide the person's face.

There are two noticeable pockets on the left and right side of the suit for placing items, such as extra weaponized power crystals or packs of sealed food or water packets. There is also a hidden pocket located down the suits leg located on the left and right side of the ankle that can be used to hide a knife or any other small item that can fit inside of the pocket.

There is also a utility belt that comes with the suit, but this belt can be removed. Since the suit of form fitting, it also has a rear section for a Shukaren or My'leke's tail to easily be protected from harm.

Getting into

Shukaren shoulders can easily get into the suit by adjusting the foam padding so that it is loose, from there they merely have to slide their feet into the top and then down into the leggings, then their tail through the tail guard, before putting the rest of the suit on. Once on, the suit will form a tight fit around the person's body.

For My'leke, the way to get in is much more different. The suit is laid out onto the ground, where the shoulder places their feet into the leggings area, then they gently slide their tail through the suits tail guard until it's all the way through. This is followed by them using their now suited up rear end to help put the remainder of the suit on, back legs first, followed by the back, then the front and finally the neck.

Once the suit is on, the soldier engages the foam fitting feature which will cause the suit to seal up around them.

The tailed portion of the My'leke suit has small little tendrils for their prehensile tail.


The Body suit is used by practically all service members and can be worn under the military's standard issue uniform and the working uniform, it's form fitting so it doesn't add much in terms of bulkiness to the person and it doesn't restrict movement either.

Ideally it should be worn at all times when a soldier is aboard ship or on base, the only time it isn't required wear is when the soldier is off-duty.

Parts of the suit

There are different parts of the suit, although designed as a one-piece; there are different seconds that should be mentioned.


The Chest area of the suit includes the most protection, it has the trauma plates and Kevlar inserts to protect a person's vital organs including their heart and lungs. There is a small pouch located on the front upper left for a person to place small items like pens or booklets.


The arms have the least amount of protection, due to the range of movements required; however they do have flexible Kevlar inserts to at least provide some protection from enemy fire.


The hands are gloved with small metal flexible plates running along the front and backs, these plates are part of the Kevlar inserts inside of the gloves themselves that provide some protection from shrapnel or from sudden mistaken movements such as a fall. The gloves are rough, allowing a person to easily grip things.


In the case of the My'leke, their armored suit has pawed gloves that have the same general design protection as those worn by the Shukaren.


The legs are covered in a flexible Kevlar mesh that helps protect the feet from shrapnel; however, the inserts are designed to withstand the force of a mine.


The tail is guarded by a thin layer of Kevlar mesh, for the My'leke, the end of the guarded tail has small tentrials for their prehensile tail to go into so that they can still manipulate and lift equipment.


The back of the suit has some protective trauma plates and a Kevlar mesh, along with inserts that allows for small oxygen tanks that can be inserted into a recessed area to provide oxygen during vacuum. The back also holds the majority of the body-suits functional systems, including its medical systems that monitor heart rate and pulse but also inject medical fume into breached areas.

On the My'leke version of this suit, the oxygen tank holders are on the side, instead of on the back due to their use of modules. Likewise, the heart monitoring equipment and the life support systems, are located on the sides.


The suits helmet is designed in three different fashions, each one to fit the head of a Shukaren-Laibe, Shukaren-Daur, and a My'leke. The head has several systems built in, including one to monitor body suit integrity and oxygen levels but also a weapon's systems so they can more heavily aim their weapons but also ammo/power and also friend or foe indicators.


The suit features several mechanisms, including oxygen plugs so that aviators can hook up their suits to their fighters onboard oxygen supply.

Weapon Control Systems

A series of software based systems that allows the soldier to more determine how their weapons are acting, including giving them an ammo indicator and also an aiming reticle that determines approximately where their weapon is aiming. Depending on the weapon, the system can also better determin where weapon faults are occuring if any do happen.

Medical System

The suit has a medical system that helps keep track of a person's vital functions, be it their heart or lungs but also brain activity. The system has a series of small tubes that run through the insides of the suit; the tubes are filled with a medical foam that, when the suit becomes breached, rushes outward to fill the breach. The system is able to fill a breach roughly a half a foot wide. However, anything bigger and the system may have issues.

Life-support system

The suits life-support system works in conjunction with the medical system to monitor the suits functions, but the suit also helps regulate oxygen levels to keep the user alive during times when the suit is disconnected from an oxygen supply such as those found on star fighters. There are several points in the system itself that allows for small oxygen tanks to be hooked up to the system to provide additional oxygen to the wearer.

This system also, however, helps regulate body temperature and can also put the person into a state of suspended animation for a limited amount of time to keep them alive in the event they are stranded either in the wilderness with no means of getting to safety or out in space.

Power pack

The suit runs off two small power crystals that provide power to the suits functions, as long as the suit isn't damaged, it can provide a constant stream of power. However, this power is limited to just the suits onboard systems.