Nepleslian Marine Corps Creed

The creed of the Nepleslian Space Marine Corps.

I, (State Your Name), am a Nepleslian Marine, part of a brotherhood of professional warriors dedicated to serving the Nepleslian people. Alone, I am deadly but together we are unstoppable. I am always physically fit, mentally sharp, and heavily armed. I am always prepared to serve the Imperium and sworn to the defense of its people, planets and cities. I will seek out and destroy its enemies, whomever they may be and wherever they may be found.

In the highest traditions of the forefathers of Nepleslia, I am a fighter who never gives up no matter what. I am not afraid to die. I will earn respect for myself and the Marines through deeds that make Nepleslia proud. I will act with honor and bring glory to the Imperium. Nepleslia Forever.