Tear Gas Grenade

The Tear Gas Grenade is used for crowd and riot control purposes. It is effective in wider areas that allow it to drift creating a larger area of effect encompassing more people. The grenade itself is a simple device that uses CS Gas to cause hostile targets to become disoriented. Effects include:Tears streaming from the eyes, coughing, runny nose, burning in the nose and throat areas, disorientation, dizziness and restricted breathing.It will also burn the skin where sweaty and or sunburned. In highly concentrated doses it can also induce severe coughing and vomiting. Almost all of the immediate effects wear off in a matter of minutes.

How To Use

The grenade is of a canister style, by pushing the button on the top down the pin safety is released completing the circuit which begins the reaction. The grenade then begins to spew forth gas at either end. Caution is advised if friendlies are in the area. Either a gas mask or other form of filtration should be used including skin protection so as not to cause detrimental effects to friendly forces.