Sahaad Gelsphere Computers

The Sahaad Gelsphere is a advanced deterministic processor system capable of multiple parallel operations in the manner of advanced calculations and system management.

While comparable pieces operate on fixed solid-state hardware, the Gelsphere utilizes programmable matter blocks floated inside of an inorganic liquid medium and is capable of forming optimized dynamic links to process certain forms of data or carry out certain operations. This does cost a single Gelsphere some small amount of performance, it does enable a level of flexibility that allows any computing unit to be moved into the socket for any Gelsphere of the same size and be repurposed to fill all of its computing requirements with minimal reprogramming. Moreover, the Gelsphere's data kernal is designed to ad-hoc commands to operate the majority of systems it is connected to by using feedback from diagnostic or power train systems it is connected to, should it not be able to locate or receive the proper operating system for a given piece of hardware.

Gelspheres are limited by a few elements intrinsic to their design. The flexibility and rapid self-optimization process does lower the overall efficiency of the system, meaning that compartmentalizing banks of computers and utilizing each one as a specialized processor set to a specific task will operate far more efficiently than an identical array each performing general processes.

Replicant Sphere Array

Replicant Sphere Arrays are small microcomputers designed to operate small devices such as portable electronic tools or the operating systems of some infantry supports weapons such as man-portable autocannons or complex variable-speed magnetic rifles. The Replicant Sphere is functionally similar to the larger Gestalt Sphere system, but each building block in an array is actually a flexible 2.5 cm spheroid filled with a silvery fluid. Powered armor and some robotic platforms are known to utilize larger arrays of these Gelspheres in banks between six and twelve units, generally heavily armored and electromagnetically isolated to prevent disruption by nuclear weapons.

Gestalt Sphere Array

Gestalt Sphere Arrays are large fist-sized processor containers that are designed to operate starships and large vehicles such as the Sahaadi mobile armors and heavy gunships. They are fielded in truly massive numbers aboard starships and never created in larger sizes, in part due to cultural and practiced paranoia in regards to centralized data processing and subsystem control, meaning that every major sector or compartment of a ship will have at least one Gelsphere operating it. Very important subsystem is regulated by one or two Gelspheres, with 'watchdog' units designed to survey other modules for irregularities or errors and step in should they falter in a manner that threatens proper function of the ship. This highly redundant design often leads to over a hundred Gelspheres being deployed on cruisers and hundreds being used on capital ships.