Incendiary Grenade

The incendiary grenade is a tried and true method of taking out armored vehicles, weapon caches, artillery and other hardened objects in a soldiers way. Usually these are designed not to be thrown but placed on the target. However the Sahaad have designed them in two fashions. One is placed, the other is thrown. While the effective radius of the thrown variety is lower then a anti-tank grenade such as the HE Grenade it however creates jets of molten metal that splash outward a short distance causing significant damage to soft or lightly armored targets.

The placed version works much the same way except the reaction is controlled with the dangerous molten metal concentrated on a single point or small area. Another variety instead uses a form of phosphorous that burns hotter and creates a plumes of super-heated material then the normal iron oxide variety.

How To Use

The grenade is of a canister style, by pushing the button on the top down the pin safety is released completing the circuit which begins the reaction. Four to five second delay is standard. Stationary forms of the material come in packets of varying size to expand the damage radius. A delay fuse is attached in which a cap is pulled to ignite it. The packaged incendiary can even be used underwater as no oxygen is required as can the grenade version it however would be ineffective as the range would be severely decreased.

The phosphorous variant being two
Smaller or larger areas can be attained with larger charges.