Cryo Grenade

An unusual ordinance, the cryo grenade is quite dangerous to unprotected organics due to the innate nature of the device. Even then lightly armored troops could face severe complications if exposed. The grenade itself is a complex piece of equipment internally. Compressed, supercooled liquid helium is held suspended in a specially designed containment unit keeping the liquid at a constant below zero temperature which serves as the filler. Purposes vary but one mainstay is the capture and preservation of live targets which can be thawed later for imprisonment or interrogation. However it can be used as a offensive or tactical weapon capable of seizing up mechanical components, freezing organics that can be shattered or weakening materials below the shatter point. While effective, the grenades are rarely used both due to their innate nature and complexity of the devices making them somewhat cost prohibitive.

How To Use

The grenade is spherical with a vertical slit running along the equator. The user twists and pushes it into place. A button will pop up out of the top which should then be depressed to activate the circuit the user then has five seconds to throw. After activation it is advised to find cover immediately to avoid exposure. The cryo grenade utilizes a spring action to open ports along the body which expels the liquid helium which also causes it to 'hop' into the air freezing the entire immediate area.

Reusable: These grenades can be recycled provided proper maintenance is done along with refilling the helium reservoir.