Lekaokâur (Crawl way)

A Lekaokâur or crawl way is used by crew members aboard Poku Saeruo Degonjo starships and stations to perform maintenance to the ship's inner workings.

Crawl way

Lekaokâur run in the floorspace and also serve as conduits for wiring, plumbing and air ducts. They are hexagonal in configuration to make it easier for crew members to more through them. They are typically .6 meter high and .9 meter wide.

Air ducts run along the top of the Lekaokâur, wiring and power ducts are on the upper wall. Various removable panels, and equipment is mounted on the lower wall, and at the bottom are water pipes.

They have Ibâ'te Kâbo|(Task Lighting) that is motion controlled that runs along the side.

Cut away view