Table of Contents

Âdaho'te (Dueling)

Within the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, dueling has several purposes. A duel can be for sport, for honor, or to resolve a major conflict between influential Ruokai (Houses) or Punlai (Families).

Kamu'ka Âdaho'te (Sport Dueling)

This is a competition between individuals. Most of the time they are for personal satisfaction, but can also be a sponsored event. As it is a competition the rules are different. Many sport duels are held in Wearisii (Pubs). Aboard ships, such duels are held in the vessel's Wapoin'te Ruo'sa (Fitness Room).

The participants each wear a Lapur (belt) with a sensor on it, as well as an umatli (kilt). Each of the participants are issued a small arm shield and a Gean'sa Veltin (Shock Blade) in place of a Âdaho'te Veltin (Duel Blade). A shock blade is the same size and weight as a duel blade, but instead of a cutting edge the end has two electrodes. The shock blade is configured with a low setting, so that when a proper strike is, made the target receives a slightly painful shock that does not cause permanent injury. The lapur sensor records the hit, and lets the observer know the wearers' status.

A friendly competition is to a three count. A sponsored competition is typically to a 5 count. A judge is appointed to oversee the bout, in case there are disputes over the techniques used during the fight.

Gely Âdaho'te (Honor Dueling)

This form of dueling is performed to resolve a conflict, or make amends for an insult.

Each participant is armed with a Âdaho'te Veltin (Duel Blade) and an arm shield. The combatants determine the number of blood cuts it takes to win. A cut must freely bleed, and vital areas are prohibited from being targeted. The number of cuts is often determined by the severity of the offense which prompted the duel. The first person to inflict the necessary number of cuts wins, and honor is served. In Clan society, the conclusion of an Honor Duel means the resolution of the initiating conflict; retaining ill feelings or grudges after such a duel is dishonorable. There is no dishonor in losing a well-fought Honor Duel. There is dishonor, however, in demanding an honor duel against an opponent who cannot fight.

Syat Tâvygoai (Judge by Weapons)

This is the most serious form of dueling in the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. This form is actually considered a ritual, and is used to resolve a major conflict between influential Ruokai (Houses) or Punlai (Families).

OOC Notes