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El-Z1-1001 Elysian Transphasic Missile

This is the standard missile system for use on smaller Elysian warships and fighter/bomber craft. Each missile is approximately 2m in length, and .375m in diameter. They are expensive to replace.

Vital Statistics

Following listed values indicate the standard statistics of the Elysian Transphasic Missile system.

Currently in use on:

Technical Specifications

While the transphasic missile is based off of traditional Elysian technology, it still stands as a formidable technological marvel, which relies upon a series of distinctive mechanisms and systems within each missile to perform the intended function of the missile system, some of the major systems and functions of the transphasic missile include the following.

Phased Warhead

At the very core of the El-Z1-1001 concept is the phased warhead. Nestled near the front end of the missile, the phased warhead is a complex device intended to permit the delivery of ordinance around, on, and in a given target to optimize damage delivered by a relatively small destructive charge.

Phased Projectile Technology

Matter 'phasing' is a long standing byproduct of research into dimensional manipulation, the same research which produced the Elysian discoveries of aether and continuum distortion technology. Through the use of a conformal continuum distortion, a given object is able to be displaced from a given space-time continuum, allowing for a given object to have varying degrees of interaction with a given continuum.

In the case of ordinance, a certain degree of phasing is required for a given munition to be effective. Full phasing prevents the delivery of proper kinetic forces while also producing a distinctive issue of proper timing in regard to 'rephasing' the munition into the proper space-time continuum prior to detonation. Due to the issue of 'rephasing', most projectiles are kept in a transition-phase, in partial contact with the space-time continuum of the original firing platform. While this does produce the issue of shield and hull interaction on target contact, there is still a significant portion of phasing to allow for a given munition to have enhanced penetration against shields, and hull material. Furthermore, due to the relatively minor phasing required, a low-efficiency continuum distortion module can be used, which allows for phased munitions to be economically viable.

Aetheric Warhead

A long standing product of Elysian engineering, aether tapping technology continues to be a backbone of military technology. In the case of the aetheric warhead, the innovation of aether tapping has been developed to the point of being able to produce cheap and suitably powerful aether taps which are capable of providing a short and quick 'jolt' of power. When an aetheric warhead is detonated, aether energy is rapidly collected, and discharged into an explosive release of energy. When a continuum distortion field for propulsion or phasing is active, this energy release can be channeled through the field to shape the detonation to optimize damage. Furthermore, when passed through a phased field, the released aetheric energy takes on the properties of phased energy, allowing for increased penetration of shielding and hull materials.


Plasma ordinance requires a multi-stage detonation sequence, which uses several components to attain a proper detonation, which results in the release of superheated matter particles which are capable of disrupting molecular bonds, and have sufficient energy a low enough mass to be able to be phased by a phasing field.

Matter Containment

While a plasma warhead is stored, loaded, and launched, a matter containment system maintains a quantity of dense matter in a liquid or gaseous state, often quite stable. When launched, matter is routed from the long-term containment system into an ignition chamber, where the matter is allowed to decompress.

Laser Ignition System

A relatively primitive technology, yet entirely viable, is the laser ignition system incorporated into a plasma warhead. Upon launch, the laser ignition system is activated. This system is used to superheat matter inside of an ignition chamber. Matter is heated to the point of entering a highly reactive plasma state.

Ignition Chamber

Matter is routed from matter containment into the ignition chamber, where lasers are used to ignite the matter into plasma. Ignition chambers are designed for the purpose of containing the plasma reaction until the warhead is detonated. Within the ignition chamber, electromagnetic forces and continued laser emissions are used to accelerate matter within the ignition chamber, to maintain optimal energy output. Ignition chambers have one outlet, which routes to the detonation assembly.

Field Guides & Detonation Assembly

In the microseconds leading up to detonation, plasma is routed from the ignition chamber into the detonation assembly using electromagnetic field guides. Detonation assemblies are used to 'shape' the discharge of plasma from warhead in an optimal configuration for damage output. While passed into the detonation assembly, a distortion field system is used to apply a degree of phasing and acceleration to the plasma, thus altering the properties of the material in a way which would allow for disruption of subatomic bonds, thus producing a molecular disruption effect when the charged plasma interacts with a given target. Upon the missile detonation, the detonation assembly routes the plasma out of the warhead, through the conformal continuum distortion field, and at the target. This detonation is not 100% controlled, thus resulting in a semi-spherical detonation, which effectively destroys the missile assembly.

Antimatter Particle

A staple of ordinance, the antimatter particle warhead is a simple containment and phasing system composed of an isolated electromagnetic-continuum suspension 'bottle' in which antimatter particles are contained. Upon the detonation of the warhead, the 'bottle' is designed to alter the containment field into a detonation shaping field, using both continuum distortion and electromagnetic fields to deliver phased antimatter particles on target, where the matter re-phases into normal space, and interacts producing antimatter reactions on, in, and around the target area.

Multi-Phase Continuum Distortion Propulsion Field

A two birds with one stone system, the continuum distortion drive used on the El-Z1-1001 serves the dual purpose of propulsion, and phasing the missile. A full on distortion effect is produced by the drive for the purpose of conventional propulsion, while a second partially cohesive field is used to phase the matter within a conformal projected field within the propulsion field. Upon reaching the target for detonation, the drive field is deactivated a fraction of a nano-second prior to the detonation of the warhead, allowing for optimal interaction between the target and the detonation, preventing the propulsion field from 'containing' the explosion, or interfering with the phased material prior to contact with the intended target.

Power Core

A conventional aether power supply is used for the missile's power requirements.

Structural Components

Light, almost delicate, the El-Z1-1001 is composed of carbon ring material, with durandium structural supports. An optional external coating of EM absorbing material can be applied to the missile.

Active Targeting System

El-Z1-1001 units are equipped with an active targeting system which uses a pulsed subspace sensor which is capable of 'pinging' an intended target, prior to focusing a subspace sensor beam on the target, which is used to maintain a target lock. Alternatively, active EM sensors can be used to the same effect, yet limited by luminal velocities.

Passive Targeting System

El-Z1-1001 units include a passive targetingsystem which uses gravitic, electromagnetic, quantum, and even psionic sensors to get a fix on a target. Objects which meet the target criteria set upon launch are then marked as targets, and locked onto by the missile.

Remote Targeting System

A remote guidance and targeting system has been included in the El-Z1-1001, this remote system allows for the missile to receive guidance from a properly configured signal which includes proper authorization carried on a quantum encrypted feed. This system also allows for the missile to be remotely detonated.

Countermeasure System

El-Z1-1001 missiles include a countermeasure system which is composed of a flak ejection system intended to interfere with solid projectiles, as well as a high-output EM projection system intended to interfere with vulnerable electronics and sensors. Optionally, a low-intensity scalar field projector can be fitted onto the missile to provide increased countermeasure capabilities.

OOC Notes

Aendri created this article on 2011/10/20 02:31; Wes approved it on 2011/11/06 18:27.