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Chelti Mercenaries

While considered endemic by some outsiders, mercenaries are not commonly seen within the Chelti core worlds. Most of their activities occur around the edge of Chelti territory, exposing them more to foreigners, offering both their might and their services to whoever provides attractive coin in one form or another.

Unlike most other mercenaries known, many Chelti mercenary outfits are not actually combat orientated. Some simple specialize in transportation, or even consulting services.

Formation of the Modern Mercenary

The economic, social, and political chaos in many parts of the Chelti Reaches has produced one benefit to some; A whole new breed of mercenary types. Sell-swords have been an established part of chelti warfare for centuries, organized groups of soldiers selling their force of arms out to whoever would pay the going rate. As nations were able to became better organized and better armed the use of mercenaries declined. But going into a few years after the The Crash there has been a mercenary revival.

The big difference today is that mercenaries not only offer well-armed, -trained, and -led soldiers, but all the combat support services that made national armies so powerful that so threatened their profession earlier.

Types of Mercenary Companies

While most mercenary organizations are beefed-up security firms, providing protection to mining companies and other commercial operations, or bodies and guns for rebels and factions caught up in civil or international war. Organizations such as Hardline Securities, Wartime Resources Ltd, and Paradise Outcomes specialize in noncombat services like training, procurement, public relations, and political consulting. Others can be the veterans of disbanded factional armies that tend to pop up in trouble spots alarmingly quickly, often bringing a large array of heavy weapons and equipment with them.

Some mercenary outfits specialize in space and air transport in difficult circumstances with crude and less than ideal landing and staging areas or places they can expect to get fired on while delivering the goods. Other companies clear landmines, deal with kidnappers, or arrange peaceful relations with rebel groups or organized bandits. In regions beset by armed groups, some mercenary organizations simply provide sufficient firepower to keep the unfriendly locals under control.

Hierarchy and class

Not every mercenary band is equal, while some may be suitable for rough house jobs, others may be preferred by more nuanced and richer clients for their sharp taste, strong discipline and presentation. While not a hard rule, it often pays to know the caliber of mercenary for hire and their standing in decent society.


Vesquins are the highest class of mercenary, but also the most pricy. For the coin they're paid they provide outstanding soldiery, combined with sharp dress with body armor hidden beneath. These bands are out of the price range of most jobs, but were created by the desires of the noble cast, and maintain their tradition with rich families today.

They are often seen either as bodyguards, house guards, or even reverting to soldiers for hire if a client requires the very best and money is no object.


Wartime Resources Ltd (WTRι)

Wartime Resources Ltd(WTRι) is one of the more noteworthy of these new mercenary outfits. Formed in YE12 and chartered, unofficially, by Nation, WTRι deals mostly with clients approved by the Nation government and provides services that might be politically embarrassing if done by the Nation government itself. WTRι's staff is largely former members of the Nation military, and has provided client factions with training in logistics, communications and weapons use that have enabled them to stage very quick and efficient campaigns with minimal losses and destruction while being able to insist they did it all themselves. But they did get a lot of good advice, and WTRι is paid handsomely for it.

Hardline Securities

In YE30 an elected leader of a minor faction was overthrown by his army. But he hired Hardline Securities, a System mercenary firm, which organized an armed force that put him back into power. Again, handsome fees were paid, including a small fraction of the factions GPD over three years.

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