Illegal Azorean Research

Note: The listed forms of research are prohibited by Azorean law due to possible temporary or even permanent damage to Azorean society. These are banned to protect the overall health and safety of the general public and do not reflect any religious or personal beliefs of individuals or the community as a whole.

All men and governments have their faults. Some just work harder to 'one-up' the other in a senseless game of Eoro… No matter how or where you move, it always comes back to bite you in the tail in the end. -Viceroy Raytim, CC 33, on rumors of illegal research experiments

Cybernetics and Augmentation Installation

Bridging the gap between the biological and mechanical… is it a wonderful masterpiece of science, or merely an abominable horror of a heretic's wetdream? Will it promise a grand era of genius, or just a dire violation of both body and mind for our brothers and sisters? Clearly, many will forge great demons from this… as we already have, it seems… -Memoirs of the late “Mad Doctor” Welkar, Azorean cybernetics and augmentation researcher/theorist

Azorean immune and nervous systems do not appear to be compatible with mechanical hardware. Violent rejection of installed material and limited functionality has led to the banning of such technological pursuits. Secret illegal research projects still exist, however, in a vane attempt to create a “safe” symbiosis between Azorean and machine. Should said projects be discovered by security forces, all research material will be confiscated. All project personnel will be arrested for violating Commonwealth law and mutilation of a sentient being. They face the possibility of exile from Azorean society or life-long penalized servitude. Project participants will be treated at the nearest medical facility to have the any cybernetic implants or augmentations removed. 77% of participants do not survive the process, and all survivors are physically/emotionally scarred and require intensive therapy.


You know what they are… You know they aren't real… You know they aren't supposed to exist… And yet… the sight of those adorably beady, black eyes staring back up at you… the soft, suckling sounds they make as they feed gingerly from my diet-swollen bossom… the innocent wagging of their miniature tails as they sleep… You know they are real… but then reality stones you in the gut when these young suddenly die for no reason… Genetic structural failure, it's called… Thus, we begin again, and a piece of my soul dies with the previous batch each time… -Personal Diary of Neeni, secret Nurse for an illegal cloning project

Due to mass infant fatalities caused by inadequate cloning procedures, cloning of Azoreans has been banned by the Commonwealth. Overpopulation of the Azorean homeworld was another reason for banning this technology. As Azorean technology and colonization efforts progress, this ban may be lifted for academic study. Should said cloning facilities be discovered in modern times, all research material will be confiscated and all facility personnel will be arrested for violating Commonwealth law. They face the possibility of life-long penalized servitude. Should any clones survive to adulthood, these clones are then sent through therapy/education sessions and physical assessments until it is assessed that they will make productive members of society. However, should any genetic defects be found, whether physically noticeable or after physicals are performed, such clones will be immediately euthanized.