400mm Anti-Orbital Railgun

A planetary-based model of Railgun, the 400mm AOR is a single-barrel turret model designed to be placed as a stationary emplacement or upon a specialized vehicle to provide planets and orbiting facilities with a measure of protection.

Primary Role: Surface-to-Orbit Support Secondary Role: Anti-Ship Effective Range 400 kilometers Rate of Fire: One round per minute Muzzle Velocity: 40,000 meters/second

Damage Rating Values

Ammunition Damage Rating Description
400mm x 1600mm Antimatter Warhead 4 SDR For Extra-Atmospheric Targets, Proximity Blast.
400mm x 1600mm EMP Warhead 0 For disabling non-hardened electronics
400mm x 1600mm Large-scale Fusion Warhead 3 SDR For Extra-Atmospheric Targets, Proximity Blast.
400mm x 1600mm Tungsten-Carbide Spike 3 SDR For Aerospace-craft entering atmosphere.