Tundra Park

The Tundra Park of Abwehran Station Nature Parks is not a cold lifeless plain of ice and snow, despite thoughts the word Tundra might conjure up. Instead, the Tundra Park is a picturesque scene of a Tundra in spring time. It is also kept at temperatures many Abwehrans find pleasant, though Non-Abwehrans might find them chilly. A Tundra Park is normally kept at an average size of one square kilometer and contains a variety of plants and non-predatory animals that can be found in Tundra regions of abwehr.

The Tundra Park does hold some snow-climate events as well, when snow is created using a combination of the sprinkler and climate systems to create nice snowy scenes. These normally last some months before returning to the spring time setting.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/05/13 12:15 by Abwehran Commander.