Table of Contents

Sourcian Special Abilities

Sourcian abilities are extremely broad depending on which type and their role within Sourcian society. It is very rare for any Sourcian to have all special abilities though those marked with an asterisk (*) are extremely common.


All Sourcian have a life-span of up to 20 years before psychological stability starts to become a problem (because minds function at higher rates, “old age” psychologically is met at a far faster rate). This means once every 20 years, a Sourcian requires a “psychological reset”. This can take place with the exchange of maesus nodes or be performed artificially by severing a neural branch within the Maesus or brain of a Sourcian. Physically, a Sourcian Maesus can last up to 600 years before cellular degeneration begins to take place.

Adaptive Metabolism

Being highly adaptable, the Sourcian are able to eat a wide range of different materials so long as they hold a calorific value worth the effort of digestion or shifting in size and shape. There are stories of Sourcian swallowing other beings whole to satisfy their appetites. Because they are shape-shifters, they are unable to become fat. The majority of food stuffs never complete a full trip around the digestive system and leave no trace.

Rapid Response & Adaption to Antigens

Because of their ancient linage, the immune system of a Sourcian is extremely powerful and capable of dealing with a wide range of viruses, bacteria and parasites which would have crippled the Sourcian millions of years ago to the point of even identifying body matter by particular chemical signatures and authoring an antibody to specifically kill a type of cell (cancerous matter for example). This also means Sourcians are highly sought after healers though in some cases, the immune system can also damage their bodies during the healing process, irreversibly destroying feelers and their sexual capacity.


Sourcian eyesight (because of the number of eyes and advanced image processing in the maesus nodes/brains) tends to be superior to that of humanoids and unlike them. Depending on the location of their other eyes, Sourcian can see directly behind, above, below or in any direction the eyes are placed in and can feel the difference between colors as they hit the skin, giving the Sourcian an extreme awareness of objects around them.

Depending on the particular type of Sourcian, ears can either be set into the skin, in specific locations or both. Those upon the skin hear in direction and volume with a weak comprehension of pitch whereas those in specific locations tend to be extremely sensitive. If trained properly, a Sourcian can pick out hundreds of independent sounds and focus on up to 30 allowing them to hear into a crowd and pick out specific voices and find a specific person within the crowd, rather than hearing noise. Because of this, the Sourcian definition of perfect pitch tends to be painfully specific and many tuned instruments can provide a source of aggressive behavior and frustration.

If there is no specific form, the overall comprehension of the world around a Sourcian is murky as they only see and hear the direction and intensity of sound and light.

Capacitance Burst

Though normally quick and agile, Sourcians are able to exhibit a burst of motion, physical strength or endurance and often tactically plan with these in mind. Often, a Sourcian will chain maneuvers and bursts together in combat, making up for an unusual fighting-style of slow maneuvers and off-balance breaking out into devastating moves. Depending on the particular type, there are often tell-tale signs that a capacitance burst is about to take place which can easily be identified and compensated for if recognized.

Though a capacitance burst is usually inaccurate with sweeping movements, a combat trained Sourcians trained to hit a target in specific vulnerable locations with the goal of incapacitating the target as opposed to killing it. Chaining capacitance bursts together into a combo will leave a Sourcian drained and an easy target if they do not take immediate cover.

This is done by dramatically rising the density of Precoria fiber and flooding it with high quality nutrients, allowing it to perform perhaps 20 to 40 times it's normal capability for an extremely brief time or around 2 to 4 times it's normal capacity for around 60 seconds.

Form Shifting

A Sourcian is able to take on a wide range of physical states and mimic an extremely wide repertoire of different cell types by making complex use of the Primaras clusters. Muscle memory of the Precoria configuration is an extremely important factor transformation process.

Visually complex and poorly practiced forms and shapes take time (upward of an hour) whereas well trained or simple forms can be assumed quite quickly (from seconds to minutes).

Taking the role of a Maevallis or Maexallis can take anywhere from 3 to 16 hours for a combat trained Sourcian. In rare cases, the transformation can take under 30 minutes. This is rarely assumed however, since a Mae-type can easily be recognized in urban environments, making an ideal target for snipers if armor isn't available.

Memory Modules

Because of the architecture of the Sourcian brain, Maesus Nodes or “minds nodes” can be exchanged from Sourcian to Sourcian, making a non-combat body a combat body very quickly when in numbers. The persona of a Sourcian is affected by this, with personal knowledge following a lead node and skills following less dominant nodes. Nodes are few and far between unless one is in the proximity of other Sourcian or one keeps a number of Nodes with them.

Unfortunately, Nodes require a very specific environment over the long-term so they must be cared for when not within a Sourcian.

Bio-Mechanoid Integration

The majority of technology used by Sourcians is integrated directly into them which can be seen as as a form of artificially accelerated evolution by using the integration to overcome their physical shortcomings, making a biomechanoid life-form subject to the strengths and weaknesses of both types of life-form.

For example: In military types, energy weapons tend to be set into the fingers, fore-arms or even the heads of Sourcian and engines and the like worn internally within the legs or hips.

It is common for a combat Sourcian to exchange a great mass of their digestive tract to make room for a power source. It has also become common place for Maevallis to harbor high powered engines and gravitonic manipulators along with shield generators.

Removal of such systems by 3rd parties is extremely difficult without the compliance of the Sourcian or sedation and excessive force. (industrial cutting devices, for example). Culturally, many choose to remain pure and untouched by technology.

Non-Destructive cellular occupation & integration

Though Sourcian often blend with other-life forms for a wide range of purposes in a destructive manner (allowing the life-form only to coexist with the Sourcian or die, though granting it special properties of a Sourcian) there is also a short-term nondestructive forms of melding.

A Sourcian liquifies and covers an individual, often moving to fill orifices and such, to coat the individual both inside and out. Non-destructive nerve contacts are made and the individual is left in control with the Sourcian able to communicate with them. This is a very recent discovery and has had great success with cultural exchanges. Interestingly in the case of red blooded/haemoglobin animals and beings, the blood turns to a blue color as blood is exchanged with the Sourcian then another compound liquid is fed back into the blood-stream with a 150% effectiveness.

In this state, an individual can circumnavigate within a vacuum and can (in rare cases) become a pseudo Maevallis (in this state, nicknamed a “Maverick Armor”).

This can be used for example, to keep a dying individual alive long past their natural life-time or cure a terminally ill individual. The melding process takes 32 hours to complete and a further 72 hours to safely remove without hurting the individual, restoring them to their original anatomical form. In some cases, the Sourcian is sentient though more often than not, trained or programmed to perform this task.

It is known that if a Sourcian is particularly vulnerable, they may attempt to forcefully occupy an individual and exploit their position if possible.