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Separa'shan Religion

Way of Nagashun

Religion's look on History

The Way of Nagashun is a polytheistic belief of many gods. Nagashun is the mother of the Separa'Shan by giving birth to two daughters who both represent the two races of Separa, Vanishun and Pythushun, who in turn laied eggs of other children who represent the various occupations of the Separa'shan.

Development on Essia

When Nagashun revealed herself, the people latched onto her like the one who would drag themselves out of poverty or drive away the beasts that lived in the jungle. The City of Apollo founded near where Nagashun was discovered prospered as they learned better forms of technology and abilities such as farming made the religion even more popular is it was spread among traders. While the Separa are traders by heart, there were a few warrior tribes that felt like they were losing power in the world and began warring with the rise of the cities. These tribes became labled as Non-belivers despite some began converting to the religion, but still fighting the growing trend of cities.

As cities prospered, new problems arose along with new professions to fix said problems. These new professions like building and blacksmithing was a lot more stressful then they could remember being when living in the jungle. A Separa'shan scholer living in Apollo, Adelpha'Sashan, wrote a story wrote a story about the Separa's mother wasn't directly from Nagashun, but rather her children Vanishun and Pythushun. These two gods from Nagashun gave birth to the Separa'shan divided into Vanis and Pythus who wished to out do each other to see who would be able to create the perfect living being that could resemble their mother, but because the two were born instead of a nest of eggs so was their characterestics, and therefore created two seperate races of Separa'shan, Vanis and Pythus.

The story was very popular with the Separa'shan and later the thought of Nagashun only having two children was impossible since Separa themselves have nests of eggs, but it was Vanishun and Pythushun who had traits directly to their mother because they were born first and created the Separa. The other children represented the various professions of their lives, Hedeashun is for example the goddess of farming or Rashashun the god of bakeries. While many associated a god with their professions, it was only the ones popularized by spread of conversation by trade that were given great respect of having a temple or statue in their name.


The Separa'shan originally was a race that believed in spirits, rather these spirits being the gods themselves these spirits became the spirits of the dead who follow the living and keep an eye of their apprentices and loved ones. These spirits linger as long as they are needed or until they are forgotten which then Nagashun appears and holds her hand out to the spirit and lead it back to the planet to continue the cycle of life.

The body is meaningless but the memory of their appearance is the only importance. Faithful Separa'shan normally burn the dead so the only ones who remember the dead would be those closest to them so they may pass on once their purpose was complete. There is a smaller group that believes it is a waste of meat to burn a body and eat the body instead, though this kind of group is typically in harsher areas of Essia.


There is a focus in fostering friendships and treating each person as an equal. The Way of Nagashun encourages politeness and has a set of rules when dealing with others such as fighting, trade, and cannibalism. Morality is more towards fostering their roll as the future of the race when it becomes a part of the universe though unknown to the Separa'shan themselves.


The Lissragyd Tree is holy to Nagashun. In the Separa'Shan Religion it is said that those who sleep under its branches receive wisdom or even in very rare circumstances visions from Nagashun. It is found in many temples. Those considered prophets often sleep under the tree to gain visions from Nagashun.

Temple Organization

Temples are important for Separa'shan who pray to them for good luck and fortune to keep their spirits up, as well as an important community center to meet friends and contacts. Most Separa'shan visit a temple at least once when they have free time


Youngest of the religious order, often act as messengers or as an assistant and are to learn by study and experience.


These Separa'shan work as part time Acolytes to assist in specific roles for events such as festivals. Typically Ritual Assistants only learn their specific roles


These are priests who have more important jobs and act as scholars, researchers, and can commune with the gods. Priest is a leadership position


The highest order of priest that have been said a special few that are granted audience to Nagashun herself. There word overrides those below them, but are balanced by being so few and without aid of modern communication. They have access to forbidden areas of Nagashun's Cathedral specificity the pod.