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Lissragyd Tree

The Lissragyd tree is holy to Nagashun. In the Separa'Shan Religion it is said that those who sleep under its branches receive wisdom or even in very rare circumstances visions from Nagashun. Pronounced Liss-ra-good.


The Lissragyd was created in secret by Nagashun as a sort of conduit for herself to and from her people. This tree is highly engineered in a way that is comparable to what Nekovalkyrja are to baseline humans.

The first reference to the Lissragyd tree comes from only a few hundred years ago. It is said that the prophetess Erissia slept under the tree and received her second vision there. She blessed the tree and took a seed to plant at her local temple. The tradition spread slowly but by the point of the first contact with Yamatai, almost all temples had one or a small grove of them.

There are no known wild Lissrayggd Trees found off of Essia, and almost all of them are in temples of Nagashun. One of the notable ones that are not is in a remote part of the Black Sands Test Range far away from any sensitive locations. There is a small building next to it that houses some researchers and the occasional Separa'Shan who goes to visit that tree. It is the only one known to be on the property of the Star Army of Yamatai or Emperor and Empress of Yamatai. One of the traditional 'holy' weapons of a Order of the Templar is a staff or spear that had a shaft made from the wood of this tree.


The Lissraggyd tree grows sporadically all over Essia. One of the notable features of this tree is that it is capable of growing in almost any environment from Artic to Jungle to Desert and anything in between. When fully grown, it is a large tree that stands around 30-50 meters tall shades an area of more than 15 meters around the trunk. It has rough white bark with distinct vertical grooves and large deep green leaves. The leaves act as a painkiller when chewed and are used in the widom seeking ritual. The sap is thick and white but dries to be rubbery and clear. The sap has anti-biotic properties and is good at sealing wounds in traditional Separashan medicine. The limbs are good for climbing and those who seek wisdom often sleep in them, but this is not required.

The tree has golden flowers that mature into a silvery nut regardless of if they are fertilized or not. The unfertilized nuts are about the size of a large pecan while fertilized ones are about the size of a football. The unfertilized seeds are highly nutritious for Separa'Shan and relatively filling. They are considered to be a rare delicacy. They are one of the most common traditional fruits offered to a Separa'Shan on their Ascension. They are also used for making a sort of 'bread' called Bassalim. The unfertilized nuts are often sold by temples to help raise funds. A single mature tree will yield roughly a hundred pounds of nuts. The fertilized seeds, also known as 'Seeds of Nagashun' contain a toxin that makes them inedible and considered holy to Nagashun. A tree will typically produce one only once every decade or so. They are often sent to other temples or holy sites.


Separa'Shan pray and sleep under this tree when they seek visions or wisdom from Nagashun. The nuts are highly valued delicacies. The tree is commonly planted in places that are considered holy such as places of worship and spawning grounds.

OOC Notes

Soban created this article on 2020/12/08 18:09.