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Variable-Frequency pHased Array Laser [VFHAL]

:!: OOC Note VFHAL is a weapon technology, not a distinct weapon system. As a result this article has no DR value. DR values for VFHAL systems on future submissions will need to be approved with that submission (or use the DR value for prior approved VFHAL systems).


The Variable-Frequency Phased Array Laser (or VFHAL) is one of the most common weapon systems found on vehicles and armor within the Republic and can be seen in the hands of both the military and civilians. The VFHAL system is capable of generating and guiding multiple laser beams and has no moving parts, making it exceptionally durable. VFHAL weapon systems are commonly seen in conjunction with HECAC armor as the later is designed so that laser systems under it are able to fire through.


The Variable-Frequency Phased Array Laser (or VFHAL) is one of the most common weapon systems found on vehicles and armor within the Republic. They can be seen in use by both the military and (in a substantially less powerful version) civilians and are in fact the most common defensive weapons found on civilian starships due to their reliability, efficiency, and relative low cost.

The VFHAL system utilizes an array of quantum dot-based laser diodes to generate its beam. Like all phased array EM systems, the VFHAL utilizes the destructive and constructive interference of its constituent laser diodes to generate coherent laser beams. This method results in a number of bonuses to its operation

The feature that distinguishes VFHAL systems from simpler phased array-type lasers is its ability to alter the quantum-dot structure through alterations of the applied current. This allows the array to change the frequency of its emitted light over a wide range. In civilian systems this ranges the low radio-frequency range up to the high ultra-violet. Military units are able to reach in to the high x-ray range. Unfortunately, since gamma-rays can only be produced by nuclear processes the VFHAL system cannot create them (although the upper-end photon energies of military units overlap into the gamma-ray energy band).

Most vehicles and armors that utilize VFHAL systems use them in a multitude of roles, ranging from sensors to weapons to communications. On military vehicles and armors they are also a key component in their active camouflage systems.

VFHAL systems are assigned a designation with the following structure: [Prefix Descriptor][Application Class][Generation][Series Number]

Class Application
1 Non-combat applications. These are generally systems used purely as sensors or communications as they are incapable of producing any serious damage.
2 Low Combat Risk. These are the systems usually found on civilian vessels. They are capable of causing damage to armored targets but are unlikely to cause any serious harm to military vehicles or armors unless the system array is very large.
3 Moderate Combat Risk. These systems are meant to provide good offensive power for applications where it is unlikely that the armor or vehicle will encounter military opponents.
4 High Combat Risk. Intended for high-intensity combat, these systems posses substantially higher offensive power than similarly sized arrays of class 1-3.
5 High Combat Risk. These systems are purely for military warships and heavy armors. Vehicles so equipped have full-coverage VFHAL systems (i.e. covering most if not all of the hull).
Generation Improvements
1 The original version of the VFHAL system, produced in BR- 730
2 Improvements in production of quantum-dots lasers and their support structures greatly decreased the array size necessary to produce a given beam strength. Produced around BR-411
3 This generation introduced a the capability to produce a very wide range of frequencies through dynamic alteration of the quantum dots. Previous generations where limited to operation in a number of fixed frequency ranges. Produced from BR-245 to the present. They can still be found in some older applications.
4 Current generation. They incorporate a number of advances gained through combat use and technology acquired over the last several years. Military G4 VFHAL systems are capable of generating scalar effects at distance.

Layered VFHAL

Layered VFHAL systems are quite simply weapons where multiple layers of the VFHAL network are placed on top of each other with a waveguide between the layers. These systems are intended purely as weapons and are capable of much higher power output than normal VFHAL systems. They could be deployed to cover the surface of a armor of vehicles as are normal VFHAL systems they are not quite as resilient in that configuration and because of this are almost always seen in compact applications, such as carried weapons or high-powered emplacements.