Multi-spectrum Optical Camouflage

The HECAC armor of some vessels has a advanced multi-spectrum optical camouflage underneath its surface. Designed by the Occhestans in conjunction with HECAC armor. This feature is generally reserved for Occhestan military units.

It is able to detect from ULF radio to X-ray transmissions, though the system generally only transmits up to ultraviolet frequencies (it can transmit in X-ray frequencies if desired, though this does carry all the collateral effects of x-ray radiation). While its retransmission power is rather large, it cannot replicate high-energy transmissions (such as energy weapon discharges), though it can transmit at high enough power to form a extremely bright spotlight.

The sensors of this system are also utilized as the primary optical sense of the armor. It can generate patterns and images on the surface (camouflage, logos, etc.) as desired. Due to the distortive nature of the HECAC armor the processing for the camouflage is much more complex and intensive than on the simpler systems used in other armors. Because of this the camouflage is controlled by a dedicated node with assistance provided by the ISC in complex environments where the processing is even more intensive. Because the sensor/emitter units are omnidirectional (in the plane of the armor) and since most of the function of the camouflage is processor-based it can continue to operate properly even when the craft is damaged. Also, since the HECAC armor is chemically inert and smooth down to the molecular level (when undamaged) the armor surface rarely becomes dirty (since debris, be it dust, paint, or other material, cannot bond with the armor material and the surface has no points where friction is sufficient to hold it on so it will easily fall of).

The system can detect and retransmit the psychometric (telepathic) signals but the default ISC does not have the programming to generate its own signals, this system is generally set in a disabled mode. This programming does exist but is strictly restricted to Occhestan Republic special-forces, is never sold to any outsiders, and is classified as a state secret by the Republic.