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Antimatter Power

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Antimatter power is based on the controlled annihilation of matter and antimatter pairs. This process releases the sum total energy of the mass that reacted (in accordance with E=mc^2). Antimatter power has the highest per-unit-mass energy-output of any method that does not rely on quantum or dimensional effects (such as CDDA and Aether) and because of this it sees extensive use throughout Occhestan Republic (and was even in limited use before the Exodus). Antimatter power is, however, heavily regulated within the Republic do to the inherent risks of storing the antimatter fuel. Antimatter reactors are frequently termed MAM (Matter-AntiMatter) reactors.


Antimatter power is based on the controlled annihilation of matter and antimatter pairs. This process releases the total mass energy of reactants (in accordance with E=mc^2) as a burst of gamma radiation and pions (which rapidly decay into neutrinos). This process releases the largest amount of energy per-unit-mass of any method that does not rely on quantum or dimensional effects (such as CDDA or Aether) and as a result it sees extensive use throughout the Republic (and was even used within the OCG before the Exodus).

Historically, the production of antimatter has been the largest hurdle in antimatter power becoming a viable source. This is because antimatter does not naturally exist in any useful quantity within space and so must be made artificially which is a inherently endothermic process (requiring more energy than can be latter liberated from the antimatter). As a result antimatter reactors are essentially heat engines, moving the energy from a ‘hot’ area (the production site of the antimatter) to a ‘cold’ area (where the reactor is operating), and are not able to operate by themselves (as fusion reactors are).

In the early days of antimatter power antimatter fuel was produced by particle accelerators (and later, matter_forge) powered by fusion reactors. The substantial overhead of this system made the antimatter fuel quite expensive and as a result antimatter power was restricted to handful of extremely high power demand applications. A revolution occurred with antimatter production when the Lorath retook the surface of Lor Prime which opened up a entirely new source of power, the sun. The wide-spread deployment of solar statite power networks around Lor made available a massive amount of cheap power. Connecting space-based antimatter plants to this network caused the cost of antimatter fuel to plummet in short order, making it viable for general use. The Republic brought with them most of the SPS network that had existed in the Lor system and has expanded the network massively within their star cluster.

After the fuel has been produced it must then be transported and stored, which is the second major problem to MAM power. This is because antimatter will react with any matter in which it comes in contact which necessitates extensive safety systems to prevent the MAM reaction outside of the reactors. The early designs (which are still the prevailing method outside of the Republic) use active magnetic fields within the storage containers and in the fuel pipes to the reactor (this method is termed ‘magnetic bottle active containment’, MBAC). While effective (and requiring negligible power compared to even a first generation MAM reactor) this system was (and is) considered seriously flawed as it is by its nature a active system. These systems are dynamically unstable, since even a microsecond disruption in the field containment can result in catastrophic loss of containment. Because of this most AM containment systems in use rely on multiply redundant field generators and backup power systems, greatly increasing the margin of safety.

Within the Republic MBAC-based MAM systems can still be rarely found in some civilian applications (generally in the older space stations brought from Lor) but the standard method utilizes micrometer rings that rely on the Casimir force acting on the stored antimatter to maintain containment. Termed Positive Pressure Passive Ring Containment (P3RC), these systems are dynamically stable and require nor external power to safely contain the stored antimatter and as a result are vastly safer than MBAC systems. It’s one drawback compared to the MBAC method is that its system overhead is much higher and as a result P3RC MAM systems hold a smaller amount of AM fuel than comparably sized MBAC systems.

Antimatter reactors can be broken down in to two generations.

First Generation AM Reactors

The first generation of AM reactors consisted simply of a shell of energy collectors (generally high-energy photovoltaic cells though some units used thermocouples) surrounding the matter-antimatter reaction chamber. Although capable of immense outputs first generation reactor where incapable of preventing the decay of the pion emissions, resulting of a loss of nearly half the theoretical energy output of the M-AM reaction. First generation reactors were rendered completely obsolete by the massively higher efficiencies of 2nd generation units several hundred years ago and are now only found in museums. First generation MAM reactors are the standard outside of the Republic.

Second Generation AM Reactors

Second generation reactors function similarly to the previous versions but had a ultra-high density liner within the reactor and use a much smaller reaction chamber. These changes enable it to intercept the majority of the pions emitted by the M-AM process (modern versions achieve a greater-than 95% capture rate), which decays in to gamma radiation on impact with the liner. As a result, second generation reactors are vastly more efficient than simpler designs

Antimatter is heavily regulated within the Republic due to its extremely high energy potential and the high risk of accidental (or even intentional) release if the containment system is damaged.

Certification To Transport

Any individual intending to operate in relation to the storage or transport of antimatter within the republic is required to seek and attain certification. If an individual working with antimatter storage or transport is found to be lacking in certification (either by not having certification at all or by not having an appropriate level of certification) can and will be subject to severe sanctions. This can include fines (both to them personally and to their employer), revocation of other certifications (such as a captains license or engineering/maintenance certification), and imprisonment.

Antimatter Transporter Class 1 License

This license is necessary for anyone wishing to store or transport antimatter fuel within Republic space. To get the license a individual must attend a number of classes and training session (totaling approximately 120 hours) and pass a certification exam. This is to ensure that the recipient of the license is aware of the risks involved with antimatter, is knowledgeable of the applicable laws regarding the substance within the Republic, and that they know and are able to execute the emergency procedures for dealing with possible (or actual) failure of AM containment. For a ship or station transporting or storing any amount of AM it is required at all times that the Engineer-On-Watch be ATL-1 certified.

Antimatter Transporter Class 2 License

A shorter form of the ATL-1 license intended for engineers’ mates. The classes and training time totals to approximately 60 hours and covers the same topics as the ATL-1, albeit with a reduced level of detail. Any engineer or maintenance technician dealing with antimatter is required to be ATL-2 certified.

Antimatter Transporter Class 3 License

A shorter form of the ATL-1 license intended for ship captains and station commanders. The classes and training associated with this certification total to approximately 20 hours and primarily covers the legal concerns of storing and transporting antimatter. At all times it is required that the Officer-On-Watch (or equivalent in civilian facilities) is for any ship or facility storing or transporting antimatter be ATL-3 certified.

As Applied to Foreign Travelers

Republic law requires any ship entering Republic space to declare any antimatter that they are carrying. A foreign ship that is carrying antimatter and does not meet Republic CTT standards for its crew or safe containment standards for its antimatter may be denied entry into Republic space. A ship so denied may elect to jettison its antimatter and may then proceed in to Republic space, retrieving its ejected AM on the way out. Alternatively, a ship may apply for a temporary waiver (which is not free in most situations). If the application is accepted their ship will be escorted to their destination and back out of Republic space by a systems_guard vessel and are generally not allowed to dock at or travel near stations or other space facilities. They are never allowed to enter a planetary atmosphere.

Any ship found to have illegally stored and transported antimatter (whether by bypassing the Systems Guard patrols or deceiving them) is subject to search and seizure by Systems Guard or Navy vessels. Depending on the severity of the offense the crew may be fined (up to and including the confiscation of their vessel) and/or imprisoned. It is considered a serious felony within the Republic.