Casmir Dynamo Disk Array (CDDA)

The Casmir Dynamo Disk Array (CDDA) system operates on the time-honored principle of magnetic induction to generate power. Each individual turbine unit consists of a disc encased by a superconductive shell (termed the disc/shell pair, DSP). The motive power for the disc is provided by an asymmetric Casmir (an attractive force generated by surfaces separated by a nanoscopic distance) force generated between the disc and the shell. These individual DSP units are then assembled into dense matrices. Since each DSP generates almost zero waste heat a CDDA matrix can be assembled at essentially any arbitrary size depending on the power level needed, ranging from the microscopic to the city-sized nodes found on such facilities as kathra_station.

Designer: Cabinet of Science & Technology

Used by: Occhestan Republic; Occhestan Republic Military


The standard power system OR, ORM and high-end civilian systems, the Casmir Dynamo Disk Array (CDDA) generates a incredible amount of energy through a application of asymmetric negative field pressure to generate power from a effectively infinite reserve. The system is based on the symmetric negative pressures discovered by early-age science within nanoscopic gaps. Through complex permittivity-controlled smart materials and dynamically controlled gap distances the CPA system is able to generate an asymmetric negative pressure within the rotational plane of the array’s nanoscopic turbines between the turbine and its casing.

The turbines themselves are nanoscopic discs. An axel goes through a hole in the center of each disc, but does not form any bonds with the disc itself. The discs are stabilized within the casing by symmetric negative pressure areas between the disc and axel and a raised disc rim and casing flange. The force produced from these attractive interactions easily keeps the disc stable within the casing through all operational environments.

CDDA system produces its power through very efficient magnetic induction. The casing layer just below the surface is composed of a very thin layer of superconductor and the disc core is composed of a very strong perfect permanent ferromagnetic. The upper and lower segments of the casing superconductor are not directly connected. The turbines are throttled by adjusting the permittivity of the surface layer in the casing and the shape of casing surface changing the gap distance, both of which change the electromagnetic pressure on the disc, increasing or decreasing the disc speed. The inductor layer within the casing can also act as a dynamic brake if necessary. Throttling is necessary as the discs, despite there very high resilience, have a maximum rotational velocity before they will begin to fail (generally with the deformation of the disc that will render it inoperative rather than catastrophic failure of the disc). Developments in the last few years in the area of exotic matter threaded materials along with methods to manufacture magnetic monopoles in a cost-efficient manner has led to CDDA (termed exotic-matter CDDA, or ECDDA) units able to operate at several orders higher velocity, bringing the maximum turbine velocity in the relativistic range, greatly increasing unit output though it is at substantially higher per-unit cost as well as a notable increase in per-unit mass.

The turbine casings are assembled into arrays, the size of the array dependent upon the power needs of the attached systems. Because there is essentially zero frictional loss, mechanical or electrical, within a CDDA there is almost zero waste heat from the system and all but the largest assemblies can exhaust the waste heat completely passively. Most units do not even have radiators, exhausting the tiny heat produced into the attached systems. Since the CDDA systems require minimal support systems beyond the power transmission wiring, CDDA power systems can be made almost arbitrarily large, from microscopic arrays used in some micromachines holding a handful to the massive city-sized arrays that power Kathra Station holding trillions upon trillions of turbine units. This also means that CDDA arrays do not greatly benefit from economy of scale like most other power systems. Because of this most CDDA executions are distributed, spread in dozens or hundreds of subunits throughout a system.

The inter-unit matrix in each array consists of superdoncutive pathways, structural reinforcement, and (on larger units) thermally superconductive heat-sink channels (actively-pumped in only the largest units). The matrix is then encased in a protective outer shell. On civilian and low-end military models this generally consists of a ultra-high strength crystal structure (similar in basic structure to High-dEnsity Conductor-laced Atibium Crystal armor) both for protection and to block outside interference. High-end military models (such as those used in front-line warships) utilize a reinforcing layer of steltite.

CDDA systems power nearly all ORM vessels and most power armors (particularly the newer designs). They have been occasionally used to power man-carried weapons (generally power armor and anti-armor systems), although these weapons are usually only issued to special operations units. High-power man carried weapons issued to other units are generally powered by Superconductive Ring Batterys or Nuclear Cells.

While aether generators are currently being examined for use in some very high power applications (specifically very high output weapons systems currently under development) they are never expected to take over the majority of power production as they have within other nations. Although CDDA systems produce notably less power (the newer ECDDA units have closed the gap considerably) than aether power systems of similar volume, they posses many other advantages over that technology, not the least of which is the fact that CDDA systems have been a well known and understood technology within the OR for years. CDDA systems do not produce the telltale waste radiation of aether systems, do not have any risk of overload or catastrophic failure, have near-zero waste heat, and can be produced at essentially any arbitrary size. Also due to the high resiliency of individual units and the very high redundancy of the inter-unit connections CDDA systems are extremely damage resistant even when their protective casing is disregarded, able to continue proper operation even when a large portion of the array is damaged or destroyed.

While standard CDDA systems are available (at a rather high price) to civilian users, the newer ECDDA systems are restricted to government and military use and the possession of ECDDA systems by a civilian outside of explicit government orders is serious offense.