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X’netre Exploration Vehicle

A vehicle built and designed in the early years of the Kingdom, used for investigating hostile environments but also for surveying locations. It was designed in ER 301 and put into service in 304, refitted versions exist, with the latest being ER 670.

About the X’netre

The X’netre is an exploratory vehicle, built from the ground up to handle rough environment. It’s one of only a small number that are threaded, with most of the vehicles equipment located on the back with the cabin located forward.

Its threads allow it to move across terrain easily whether it’s flat or rough and is capable of climbing up vertical lines of up to forty degrees. Mounted underneath the vehicle are seismic sensors used to scan the ground and what’s beneath, while atmospheric sensors are located on the top and sides.

The vehicle isn't Laibe friendly, due in large part of it's design.

Key Features

The vehicle was designed for exploration and planetary surveying, thus it has the following features:


The X’netre was a vehicle whose concept came about when the Neshaten were still discovering the mysteries of Nesha Prime, in order to faciliate this, a geologist by the name of Uiy'ene X'netre came up with the concept of an all terrain vehicle capable of moving across any type of terrain while capable of carrying out the missions it was assigned.

In the year of ER 301, this vehicle was presented before the Kingdom but it was rejected. The reason for the rejection had a lot to do with the vehicle not being enviromentally friendly. The issues arose only with the large noises the vehicle made, not much else; it was something that Uiy'ene felt was preposterious but something he took on.

It took him a few years to get the new concept right, reducing the amount of noise the vehicle made so that it wouldn't be detrimental to the environment but naturally this wasn't the only problem. He had found out during the rebuild that the other issue had to do with the vehicle being threaded, however he could not tackle this issue due to problems at the time with getting anti-gravity technology to function properly and in ER 303 he managed to convince the Enviromental Division to drop their complaint about the threads.

In ER 304, the vehicle was released for usage, and in ER 670 a major overhaul of it's electronics was performed along with a higher ceiling to faciliate Laibe although the vehicles main chasis prevents any further upgrades. Although the vehicle is now in the hands of the military, it is still undergoing refits to keep it in line with current day technology.


The X'netre has the appearance of a long flat rectangle with threads located beneath it connected a series of powerful shock absorbers. There are seismic sensors located along the vehicles undercarriage and side. There is a rectangular building located on the rear which houses the mobile lab, along with atmospheric sensors and a communications dish on the top. The cabin is located forward.

Altough it's not needed, the front of the vehicle has two flood lights used to illuminate a large area, this is complimented by other flood lights located around the vehicle's side's and rear. There is storage on the sides for storing additional equipment.

Statistical Information

Organization: Kingdom of Neshaten Type: All Terran Vehicle Class: Exploration/Survey Vehicle Designer: Uiy'ene X'netre Manufacturer: Vietroni Mobile Inc. Production: Many Price: 4500 Rh

Crew: 4 Passenger Capacity: 7 Emergency Capacity: 10

Length: 17 Feet Width: 5 Feet Height: 7 Feet

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


Ground speed: 51 Kph on road, 31 Kph offroad

Range: Range limited purely by onboard supplies, at least 250 K/ms Lifespan: five years with constant maintenance


The vehicle has two entrances, the first is for the cabin which is located on both the left and right forward areas of the vehicle, a third entrance is located on the rear which allows access to the lab. The lab is stocked with scientific equipment used to analyze soil and air samples, but also includs a storage bay for oxygen tanks for use with ABS's in a non-oxyginated atmosphere.

In the forward cabin, the driver and navigot sit at the front, with the driver on the right side and navigator on the left. The control interface uses the IDS system for functionality. Then, behind the driver and navigator is a communications station and science station.

The vehicles power systems are located between the fore and rear cabins, protected by a layer of armor plating.

(Label what’s inside of the vehicle, such as the location of entrances and exits, where the driver, pilot, co-pilot, navigator, etc, and passengers sit but also the location of onboard systems. Sensor systems are located in the rear compartment, while the engine is located on the underside of the vehicle.


The cockpit, or drivers cab, is the front area of the vehicle. It is protected by laminated glass that is sloped toward the top of the cab, there is a drivers chair on the right and navigators on the left. Located in the rear of the cabin, is the communications and science chairs, the science station is a low-grade station used purely to examine what is immediantly in the area and is not meant to replace the science lab in the rear.

There are four cushy chairs, each with gel-pads for comfort.

Passenger Compartment

Located between the drivers cabin and lab, is where passengers sit. There are eight folded up, four on either side, that allows for people to sit down during movement. There is storage in the overhead compartments as well.


The lab, located rear, is where all of the research and analyzing goes on. It had two tables on either side, research and examining equipment, an oxygen dispenser which can hold up to twenty oxygen tanks, and a freezer for storing samples. There are only two chairs, both of which can be folded up under the table.

Power Center

A small area of the vehicle located beneath the passenger compartment, is where the vehicles power generator is stored. It can be accessed via removable metal grates.

Onboard Systems Descriptions

Power Systems

The vehicle uses a Luna Power Generator for power.


The X'netre uses an electric engine powered by the power generator which generates up to one thousand four hundred horse power, this engine is also used to help power the vehicles onboard systems in an effort to reduce draw from the generator.


The exploration vehicles uses a number of different systems, including but not limited to:


There is a small quantum computer located in the rear, which helps faciliate the analyzing of sensor data but also stores that data on memory banks.

Body and Frame

The vehicle is comprised of half part composite aluminum that includes a reinforced titanium body frame.

Life Support

The vehicles life support systems are located in the rear can recycle the air for up to three days.

Communications System

The X'netre has a communications system that permits it to communicate with base camp or a ship, it's capable of the following types of communications:

Safety Systems

X'netre has only one safety system for its occupants.

Seat Belts

There are seat belts for the vehicles driver and navigator, along with the science and communications. There are also seat belts located in the science lab.

Control Systems

The X’netre is controlled using either the IDS or by going manual and using a control wheel.

Cargo Capacity

Can store up to fifty pounds of cargo, doesn’t come with cargo though, all must either by bought or supplied.

Standard Equipment

The vehicle comes with the following standard:

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