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Type 21 Star'ling Frag

The Type 21 Frag is hand grenade used to cause death and destruction upon anyone caught within its blast radius. The grenade uses mainly shrapnel that is fired out at high velocity, capable of piercing most light armor plating owned by the Neshaten and was put into service ER 690 (Before YE).

The type of shrapnel used, however, depends. Some fragmentation grenades use small ball-bearing while others use traditional metal shavings. However, the grenade itself and its materials are also combined with the shrapnel.

This type of Grenade primarily uses the Ball design style, while the Shuriken style is used for more localized damage.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

Explosive Radius

The type 21 has a maximum explosive radius of twenty five (25) meters when using the Ball style, and only ten (10) meters when using Shuriken style.

OOC Notes

Article by Kyle.