Polarizing Filament Glass

Polarizing Filament Glass is a kind of transparent material that was just recently created by a group of Neshaten scientists in EE 002. The glass works by negating sunlight in areas that it is placed over, thus reducing the overall light that can come out - while it can't fully eliminate all light, it reduces it enough for a Neshaten's natural nocturnal senses to function.


Polarizing Filament Glass is created out of several materials, including spiders silk which helps give it its durability and fibre which gives it the ability to flex and bend. Chemical compounds introduced into the fabrication process give the glass further durability and the capability of shrugging off multiple impacts from the kind of harsh weather Neshaten experience, it is flexible enough to allow not effected by low to medium speed winds although heavy winds can potentially tear holes in the fabric that covers the glass.


Polarizing Filament Glass has multiple uses within the Kingdom, its creation was meant to negate light and - to a lesser degree - weather.